Purchase the Eye

Barkis offered The Nameless One the opportunity to buy an eye he had in a jar or embalming fluid. He claimed it was in fact one of TNO's eyes, and asked 500gp for it.   After raising the funds, TNO returned to Barkis to purchase the eye via suffering the pain of parting with 500gp, but then the process of rejoining it to himself involved the pain of extracting his current left eye, and inserting the preserved one in its place.   Doing so fired off several visions of past events including:  
  • being in a vast chaotic wasteland with humanoid vultures plummeting towards TNO, cruel weapons in hand waiting to strike. He was similarly armed awaiting the attackers
  • He was surrounded by three thugs, long daggers in hand. TNO saw his scarred hands and knew they would soon be covered in blood.
  • An enormous frog-like creature came at TNO through the stuff of chaos, baring its multitude of teeth. He hurled a javelin at it, impaling it upon a stone plinth.
  • TNO was lost in halls of darkness, paved with the consequences of his choices, and haunted by ghosts of the shadows of all who had suffered as a result of those decisions. He was in a place beyond time, beyond life, and beyond life, near the Void at the end of all things. Feeling *them* assembling around this place he raced to a high place and spoke words that he had wrested from the Illuminated ones who knew those words. The words summoning a surge of power within TNO. (Granted the feat - Skills Expert)
Completion Date
Session 7
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