

Cookielundish is a parlimentary republic where power is shared on the federal level between the House of Commons, and the Privy council run by the President. Legislation must also pass through the House of Lords, a chamber of experts in a range of fields.
Due to the structute of the house of lords, requiring members to be experts in a field and to also be elected by other members in the same field, some have called Cookielund, Semi-Gerontocical, though this label is not exeptedd by the Cookielundish government.
  Cookielund is also made up of states, each with there own parliament and first minister.
    The Prime minister is voted in my the members of the House of Commons and is usauly the leader of the party with the most seats. After being elected, the Prime Minster appoints minsters to run govenement buissness, the most senior of which are secutaries of state in the cabinate.
    The President is elected every 7 years and appoints members of the House of Lords to be his ambasidors to government departments and other important national orginisations such as the armed forces. These amabosdors make up the privy council. Some powers of minsiters require approval from the presdient, and this right to approve such powers is usealy intrusted to members of the privy council, and so having a privy councilor on side can be vital to a minsiter. When a president is elected, there first action is usualy to set what powers it will delegate to each member of the privy council by creating executive charters. Due to the number of members of the privy council this will take a large potion of a new presidents time, taking in some cases taking up to a week to complete. This time has been somewhat decresed in the passed few decades, with new powers typicly being bistowed on privy concil members by acts of parliment rather than exective charters. Though technicly these powers are still devloved from the president.
  It is not uncommon in the ever changing poltical enronment that the president and prime minister come from diffrent parties, when this is the case the privy council will sometimes be refered to as "executive spies" by ministers.


Cookielund is generaly a liberal nation with strong values of justice and freedom. However, a faction wishing to return to what it sees as the counties 'glory days' as a major emporor confilicted with these values. Despite being seen as a fringe group these extreemists where able to seize power in a 2003 inserection aided by former nations of the old Cookielundish empire. Depite the insurectionists ultimatly being defeated, some remain sympathetic to thier course.


Until about 500 years ago Cookielund excisted as a series of empiters, that had been in conflict over power and land for almost 2000 years, many of these empires where able to secure a vast amount of power, some even managing to seize control of virtulay the entire continent. During the raine of Emporor Vroo Frie II, the 4th of his dynisity, Contopia invaded Cookielund, begining a long confilict that altimatly results in the conquest of Cookielund
    Aproximatly 200 years ago nations that had been concered by Contopia are relased and and given indipendence. Cookielund was initialy not realised as a single entity, but intead as a number of different nations, the Largest of which being East Cookielund. Over time the fear that Contopia, or larger nations would attempt an invaion of these nations, lead to them merging togerher into Cookielund Some of these nations deside to merge and begin to from what would become recognisable as modern day Cookielund.
    In the mid 20th century Cookielund partispated in the first great war.
  In the 1990s Cookielundish scientests work with Contopia to aid in the creation of the parsol missile defence sattilites.
  In 1995 Cookielund dropped nuclar wepons on Twottallia after the invasion of Contopia.
  1996 Cookielund began devloping it's own missile defence sattilites but scraps the project inorder to come under the protection of the exisitng contopian network, forming the 'Parsol'. Fearing a new arms race both nations work to block other nations from creating there own defence systems, convincing more nations to join parsol inorder to come under it's defence.   In 2003, a faction known as the "Liberated Union" staged an insurrection in Newbrick, and took a large amount of the Nation under there control, launching a nuclar weapon when military forces attemted a counter attack. This led to the passage of the Resistance Act, which allowed resitence cells to take up arms in what the act called "enemy held homeland".   2004 Cookielundish resitance sucessfuly overthrew the resitance. The main resistance orginisations where formed into the Cookielund Security Service, and granted powers as a law enfrocement agency. A collition of medical orgisations that opperated during the war, as well as state medical services where mereged into the National Medical Service.   In 2009 the Mayor of Newbrick, Cookielunds Capital City is discovered to have worked with the Liberated Union. A team of Police Officers and CSS Operatives sent to arrest the Mayor are met with protestors looking to seek there own justice. After these protests allegidly becoming violent a police SWAT team fired on these protestors in what would become known as the "City Hall Massacure". Among those killed where some decorated heros of the resistance.   In 2015 The Bostran Chansellor was Assassinated on Cookielundish Soil and CSS located a large quanity of weapons under the Bostran embacy. Relationships between the two nations break down and war is declared. Cookielund comes out victorious after mounting an invasion aided by a cyber attack.
  In 2020 Badgerlands Forces Blockade land on the moon and seize control of Helluim-3 Minining opperations leading Cookielund and Contopia to declare war on Badgerlands.


The Cookielundish military is made up of four branches:
  • The Cookielundish Army: Responsible for land-born threats
  • The Cookielundish Navy: Responsible for sea-born threats
  • The Cookielundish Airforce: Responsible for air and space-born threats
  • The Cookielund Security Service: Responsible for Domestic Threats

Cookielund is also a nuclear capable nation and a founding member of the Parasol.


Progessionism is the most common religion in Cookielund, Followed by Falangism


Federal laws in parliment are made by the federal parliment, which consists of the House of Lords and the House of Commons, and are then given to the president to revecive presidental assent.
State laws opperte under a simular system but are implemnted by the state parliments, which a comprised of a single elected house and the power to approve these laws is usualy deligated to the state Baron, who is appointed by the president.
Local law enforcement agancies and federal bodies are responsible for the enforcement of laws, while magistrate and President's Courts are responsible for sentencing.

Agriculture & Industry

Cookielund is a heavly industialied and economicly devoloped nation. Companies such as 'Contec' and 'Bannana' lead the world in technical inervation.


Cookielund is seen as a world leader in education, with Cookielundish students exelling in STEM subjects.
Geopolitical, Country
Leader Title
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Democracy, Parliamentary
Power Structure
Economic System
Market economy
Legislative Body
Federal laws in parliment are made by the federal parliment, which consists of the House of Lords and the House of Commons, and are then given to the president to revecive presidental assent.
State laws opperte under a simular system but are implemnted by the state parliments, which a comprised of a single elected house and the power to approve these laws is usualy deligated to the state Baron, who is appointed by the president.
Judicial Body
There are a number of courts in Cookielund. The most senor of which is the suprime court.
Executive Body
The privy council, lead by the president, heads the exectuive branch of the Cookielundish government. The branch is generaly granted greater powers than members of the cabinate and the prime minister, and generaly decide how much authority is granted to over departments in government.
Subsidiary Organizations
Official Languages
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories
Related Ethnicities




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