Armsmaster Character in Planet Noj | World Anvil



  • Personality

    Abrasive and blunt. Like a smarter Rorschach. Relates to machines, but not people. Bitter that Chevalier was made leader instead of him.
  • Assessment

    Armsmaster is a highly competent and savagely efficient fighter; whose effectiveness is more limited by his need to prove himself than it is by his lack of external parahuman abilities. It is speculated that his claim that his gadgets can only be used by him is a lie designed to make him seem less disposable and secure a place on the team. Note - DO NOT deploy Armsmaster to ANY mission related to diplomacy.
  • History

      * Classified



AC: 17 HP: 38



  Staff Attack: + 7 to hit, 1d10 + 3 Force Damage (multi-attack)   Gadgets: Armsmaster uses his battlestaffs internal gadgetry to produce one of the following effects:  
  • Photon Ray: + 8 to hit, range = 60 feet, 1d12 + 3 Force Damage
  • Thunderwave: creatures in a 5 foot radius of Armsmaster make a DC 15 DEX save or take 1d8 Force damage and are pushed back 10 feet. If they Save they take 1/2 damage and aren't pushed
  • Stun: range - touch. Armsmaster discharges a nerve-scrambling pulse from his staff. 1 creatures makes a DC 15 CON Save or is stunned.

Bonus Actions

 Extend - Armsmaster increases his Photon Staff's reach to 10 feet.  Grappling Hook - Armsmaster fires a grappling hook into a wall or object within 30 feet. As part of the same Bonus Action, he pulls himself to the hook.
Current Location


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