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Bulen Driwal

Bulen Driwal, son of Tervun Driwal, became the ruler of Kuala at the young age of 19. His father, Tervun, was a captain in the Divine Conquest for Order and a devout follower of Imoye - Goddess of Knowledge. Tervun's dedication and sacrifice during the conquest earned him great respect, but he tragically died in battle before he could see the fruits of his efforts.     As a reward for Tervun's sacrifice, the newly founded empire granted Bulen control of Kuala. Despite his youth, Bulen took on the mantle of leadership with determination and a clear vision to honor his father's legacy. He embraced the values instilled in him by Tervun, particularly the importance of education and the pursuit of wisdom.   Bulen's reign was marked by his dedication to fostering a culture of learning and intellectual growth in Kuala. He believed that knowledge was the cornerstone of a prosperous and orderly society. During his rule, Bulen layed the foundation for the city’s educational infrastructure, establashing schools, and founding the Kuala University. His actions and policies attracted scholars, scribes, and thinkers from far and wide, creating Kuala's reputation as a center of knowledge creation.   Bulen’s leadership style was characterized by fairness and a commitment to justice, reflecting the principles of Imoye. He ruled with a balanced hand, ensuring that the laws were just and the citizens had access to education and opportunities for intellectual advancement. His reign saw Kuala flourish as a beacon of enlightenment and a sanctuary for those who sought to learn and innovate.   Bulen ruled Kuala until his death in the year 54, leaving behind a legacy of wisdom and progress. His contributions to the city laid the foundation for its continued growth as a hub of knowledge, a testament to the enduring influence of both his and his father’s dedication to the principles of Imoye.


Bulen Driwal


Towards Clarimonde Grimex

Clarimonde Grimex


Towards Bulen Driwal

19 BC 54 AoO 73 years old
Place of Death
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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