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Quar Driwal

Quar Driwal, the ruler of Kuala, is a large, heavyset man known for his imposing presence and sharp intellect. As the eldest son of Bulen Driwal and Clarimonde Grimex, Quar inherited a strong devotion to Imoye - Goddess of Knowledge, from his parents. His fervent worship of Imoye shapes much of his leadership style and personal philosophy.

Quar's physical appearance is notable, with his robust frame and authoritative demeanor. Despite his size, he carries himself with a sense of purpose and confidence that commands respect. His keen mind and quick thinking are his greatest assets, allowing him to navigate the complexities of governance with ease.   Growing up in a household that valued intellect and learning, Quar developed a deep respect for knowledge. His parents, both devout followers of Imoye, instilled in him the importance of education and the pursuit of truth. This foundation shaped Quar into a leader who values informed decision-making and the dissemination of knowledge.   As the ruler of Kuala, Quar places a strong emphasis on education and intellectual growth within his city. He has established the large Kuala Library, expanded the university, and facilitated other centers of learning, encouraging his citizens to seek knowledge and better themselves. Under his rule, Kuala has become known as a hub of scholarship and innovation, attracting scholars and thinkers from far and wide.   Quar's leadership is characterized by his methodical approach and attention to detail. He believes that a well-informed populace is the key to a prosperous and harmonious society. His policies reflect this belief, often prioritizing educational initiatives and the preservation of knowledge. He is also a patron of the arts and sciences, fostering an environment where creativity and intellectual pursuits can flourish.   Despite his intellectual focus, Quar is not disconnected from the practical aspects of rulership. He understands the importance of maintaining order and security within his city and takes a hands-on approach to governance. His physical presence and commanding personality make him a formidable leader, capable of both inspiring and intimidating when necessary.   Quar's dedication to Imoye and his commitment to knowledge have earned him the respect and loyalty of his people. He is seen as a knowlegable and just ruler, one who leads with both his mind and his heart. Under his guidance, Kuale continues to thrive as a beacon of learning and enlightenment.


Hiko Driwal


Towards Quar Driwal


Quar Driwal


Towards Hiko Driwal


Year of Birth
29 AoO 45 Years old
Hiko Driwal (Brother)
Current Residence
Aligned Organization


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