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Dau - God of Death

Dau, the God of Death, holds a significant place within the pantheons of Destruction and Order. His dominion over death encompasses the inevitable end that awaits all living beings, making him a figure of both fear and reverence. With an austere and solemn presence, Dau is often depicted as a figure draped in shadowy robes, his face obscured, symbolizing the mystery and finality of death.  

Influence and Worship

Dau's influence permeates every aspect of life, for death is the ultimate certainty. His role is to ensure the proper passage of souls from the mortal realm to the afterlife, maintaining the balance between life and death. His worshippers include morticians, executioners, and those who work closely with death, as well as individuals seeking to understand or make peace with their mortality. Rituals dedicated to Dau often involve solemn ceremonies, funerary rites, and offerings made to honor the dead and secure their safe passage to the afterlife.  

Personality and Traits

Dau is a stern and unyielding deity, embodying the inevitability and impartiality of death. His demeanor is calm and resolute, reflecting his role as the final arbiter of life. He is not cruel but rather sees his duty as necessary for the natural order. His traits include a deep understanding of the cycle of life and death, a sense of duty, and an unwavering commitment to maintaining the balance of existence.  


Followers of Dau are often those who confront death regularly, such as healers, warriors, and scholars of the esoteric. They seek to honor the dead and understand the mysteries of the afterlife. Many build shrines to Dau in graveyards and places where death is prevalent, offering prayers and sacrifices to ensure the peace of the departed souls. His adherents are known for their stoicism and acceptance of the inevitable, finding comfort in the order Dau brings to the cycle of life and death.  

Relationship with Rendo

Dau shares a unique and profound understanding with Rendo, the God of Passage and Travel. While Rendo oversees the journey of souls to the afterlife, Dau governs the final transition from life to death. Their collaboration ensures that the passage is smooth and that souls reach their destined afterlife. Rendo’s role complements Dau’s, as they work in tandem to maintain the balance between life, death, and the journey in between. This partnership underscores the order within the seemingly destructive nature of death, highlighting the structured process that follows a soul's departure from the mortal realm.
"In the shadow of death, there lies an order that guides every soul to its rightful rest."
Order Pantheon    Dau’s influence extends beyond the mortal fear of death to encompass a broader understanding of the life cycle. His presence is a reminder of the natural order, where every beginning has an end, and every life is a part of a greater continuum. Through his guidance, the dead find peace, and the living find acceptance. His followers respect the sanctity of life by acknowledging its impermanence, ensuring that death is not feared but understood as a necessary part of existence. Dau's relationship with Rendo further emphasizes the structured journey each soul undertakes, reinforcing the order within the realm of death and beyond.


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