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Xilerxi - Goddess of Order

In the vast expanse of cosmic creation, where the universe unfolds in all its intricate splendor, there exists a deity like no other. Xilerxi, one of the enigmatic Daughters of Ithar, emerged from the very essence of the cosmos itself. She is the embodiment of structure, the Goddess of Order, and her story is woven into the very fabric of Pludeo. From the earliest moments of her divine existence, Xilerxi was marked by an unyielding pursuit of order. Her celestial essence resonated with structure, rules, and organization. To her, these were not mere concepts but the very principles that should guide existence.   As the Age of Creation dawned upon Pludeo, Xilerxi found herself facing an immense challenge. Her vision of a world governed by order collided with the chaotic nature of a fledgling planet. Recognizing that Pludeo needed time to mature before embracing her doctrines, she waited patiently, observing the world's tumultuous infancy.   However, this respite inadvertently allowed the mischievous influence of Oreio to spread, leading to the corruption of Eda's creations. Chaos began to seep into Pludeo's essence. It was in this moment of uncertainty that an unexpected hand reached out to Xilerxi. Garomi, the Goddess of Destruction, proposed an alliance. Their common purpose: to dismantle the overgrowing and corupting pantheons and creations of Eda - Goddes of Creationand Oreio - Goddes of Chaos. Together, Xilerxi and Garomi - Goddes of Destruction waged a titanic war against the forces of chaos and creation. Their alliance was an attempt to restore balance to Pludeo's realms, which had been plunged into turmoil. The conflict was fierce and unyielding, a battle that stretched across the world. Ultimately, the combined might of the Goddesses of Order and Destruction triumphed, and Pludeo found itself in a rare moment of equilibrium. The influences of all four sisters hung in a delicate balance. Yet, it was within this fragile pause that Garomi chose betrayal, shattering the balance and leaving Pludeo in further disarray.   Undeterred by this treachery, Xilerxi's followers gathered in a remote corner of Pludeo, in Tiko Ra Ku. There, they embarked on a monumental undertaking – the creation of a society where order reigned supreme. Hierarchies were established, laws meticulously codified, days strictly structured, and the military tirelessly trained. As the society flourished, so did Xilerxi's influence. Her pantheon of gods inspired their devotees to undertake the Divine Conquest for Order, a relentless 13-year campaign. The goal: to wrest control from the Gods of Destruction and establish Yimo Xa Ku - The Empire of Order across Pludeo. After years of unrelenting battles, the Followers of Order finally secured enough territory to give rise to their orderly state. In contrast, the once-powerful Followers of Destruction were left fragmented and disorganized.   Today, Xilerxi stands as the Goddess of Order with the largest following in Pludeo. Her dominion is marked by strict mandates that compel worship of the gods of order. In a world where structure is paramount, Xilerxi's influence reigns supreme, ensuring that Pludeo maintains a semblance of order in the face of chaos. In the cosmic tapestry of existence, Xilerxi's presence stands as a beacon of order, ensuring that Pludeo maintains a semblance of structure in a world constantly teetering on the precipice of chaos.  

Personality and Traits

Xilerxi, the resolute Goddess of Order, embodies an unwavering dedication to structure, discipline, and the unyielding pursuit of organization. In the tumultuous tapestry of Pludeo, her character stands as a beacon of meticulous planning and deliberate action.   Chaos and disorder find no quarter in the realm governed by Xilerxi. She is an ardent believer that a harmonious existence can only be achieved through unwavering orderliness. Under Xilerxi's influence, her devoted followers adhere to strict guidelines and rules, their lives meticulously regimented to emphasize discipline and the paramount importance of order.   Yet, her vision for a structured world was not always aligned with Pludeo's early chaotic days. Xilerxi understood that imposing order upon an unripe world would be futile. Instead, she exhibited a remarkable trait—patience. She waited for the right moment, the opportune juncture when Pludeo and its inhabitants had matured enough to embrace her doctrine.


Ithar - Parent of the Gods


Towards Xilerxi - Goddess of Order


Xilerxi - Goddess of Order


Towards Ithar - Parent of the Gods


Eda - Goddess of Creation


Towards Xilerxi - Goddess of Order


Xilerxi - Goddess of Order


Towards Eda - Goddess of Creation


Garomi - Goddess of Destruction


Towards Xilerxi - Goddess of Order


Xilerxi - Goddess of Order


Towards Garomi - Goddess of Destruction


Xilerxi - Goddess of Order


Towards Oreio - Goddess of Chaos


Oreio - Goddess of Chaos


Towards Xilerxi - Goddess of Order


Taurite - God of Cataclysm


Towards Xilerxi - Goddess of Order


Xilerxi - Goddess of Order

Secondary Goddes

Towards Taurite - God of Cataclysm


Character Portrait image: Xilerxi - Goddes of Order


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