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Egu - Goddess of Misfortune

Egu, the Goddess of Misfortune, is a grim and malevolent figure within the Chaos Pantheon. She embodies the essence of bad luck, suffering, and relentless adversity. Egu is depicted with black hair and a perpetually sorrowful demeanor, her presence a harbinger of despair and calamity. She represents the darker aspects of existence, where misfortune reigns and hope is a distant memory.  

Influence and Worship

Egu's influence is felt in the relentless miseries and tragedies that plague individuals and communities. Her worshippers do not seek her favor for personal enlightenment but for the malevolent power she bestows. The worship of Egu is shrouded in secrecy and darkness, with rituals designed to invoke her wrath and direct misfortune toward others. Her followers make sinister sacrifices, performing dark rituals to wish ruin upon their enemies. This darker aspect of her worship highlights the belief that misfortune can be a weapon, wielded to bring suffering and chaos to those who stand in their way.  

Personality and Traits

Egu is a figure of relentless sorrow and malevolence. She is characterized by a deep, unending sadness and a cold, calculating nature. Her traits include a profound understanding of human suffering and an unyielding patience in watching misfortune unfold. Egu does not offer guidance or solace; she embodies despair and the inevitability of hardship. Her presence is a constant reminder of the darkness that lurks in every corner, waiting to strike.  


Followers of Egu are often driven by vengeance and spite. They are individuals who seek to unleash her malevolent power to wreak havoc on their enemies. These devotees are secretive, conducting their worship in hidden shrines and through dark, forbidden rituals. Egu's followers are often consumed by bitterness and hatred, their souls darkened by the desire to bring suffering to others. There are no festivals or public celebrations for Egu; her worship is a clandestine affair, conducted in the shadows, away from the prying eyes of the world.  

Relationship with Erlok

Egu's twin sister, Erlok - Goddess of Furtitude, represents the stark contrast to Egu’s domain. While Erlok brings prosperity and good luck, Egu revels in bringing ruin and despair. The relationship between the sisters is one of bitter rivalry and conflict. Egu views Erlok's gifts of fortune with contempt, believing that prosperity only masks the inevitable return to misfortune. Their interactions are marked by tension and animosity, highlighting the eternal struggle between light and dark, hope and despair.


Egu - Goddess of Misfortune


Towards Erlok - Goddess of Furtitude


Erlok - Goddess of Furtitude


Towards Egu - Goddess of Misfortune


"In the abyss of misfortune, we find no solace, no redemption, only the cold embrace of unending despair."

Egu’s influence is a relentless force of darkness and misfortune. Her presence brings calamity and sorrow, casting a shadow over all who are touched by her power. She thrives on the misery and suffering of others, feeding on the despair that her misfortune brings. Egu does not offer teachings or wisdom; she is a deity of pure malevolence, her power sought by those who wish to inflict suffering and chaos. Her worship is a testament to the darker side of human nature, where vengeance and spite drive individuals to seek her dark blessings, unleashing a tide of misfortune upon the world.


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