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Erlok - Goddess of Furtitude

Erlok, the Goddess of Fortune, embodies the unpredictable and chaotic nature of luck within the pantheon of Chaos. With her striking ginger hair and a soft, almost whimsical look, she represents the capriciousness of fate. Erlok's influence is felt in the sudden, often inexplicable twists of luck that can elevate or devastate individuals without warning.  

Influence and Worship

Erlok's domain is one of constant change and uncertainty. Her blessings can bring sudden windfalls or unexpected setbacks, making her favor as unpredictable as the roll of a die. Those who worship Erlok seek her chaotic blessings to bring fortune into their lives, but they do so with the understanding that her gifts are fleeting and unpredictable. Devotees of Erlok perform spontaneous acts of worship, such as impromptu offerings and rituals, hoping to catch her attention and gain a momentary advantage in their endeavors.  

Personality and Traits

Erlok is a capricious and mercurial deity, her moods shifting as rapidly as the fortunes she governs. She is known for her playful yet unpredictable nature, often delighting in the chaos her influence brings. Her traits include an inherent understanding of the balance between luck and misfortune, and a mischievous streak that finds joy in the randomness of fate. Erlok’s blessings can lift someone from poverty to riches in an instant, only to snatch it all away just as quickly.  


Followers of Erlok are a diverse and eclectic group, ranging from gamblers and adventurers to merchants and everyday people seeking a turn in their luck. They understand that Erlok’s favor is as unpredictable as the wind, and they embrace the uncertainty that comes with her blessings. Worship of Erlok often involves chance-based rituals, such as drawing lots, rolling dice, or other games of luck. Her shrines are adorned with symbols of chance, and offerings often include items associated with luck, like coins, dice, and talismans.  

Relationship with Egu

Erlok's twin sister, Egu - Goddess of Misfortune, serves as a stark contrast to Erlok’s capricious blessings. While Erlok brings the possibility of sudden fortune, Egu embodies relentless misfortune and despair. The relationship between the sisters is one of dynamic tension, as the chaotic nature of fortune and misfortune often intertwines. Their interactions are marked by rivalry and a constant push-and-pull between luck and misfortune, each balancing the other’s influence in the world.


Egu - Goddess of Misfortune


Towards Erlok - Goddess of Furtitude


Erlok - Goddess of Furtitude


Towards Egu - Goddess of Misfortune


"In the ever-turning wheel of fortune, chaos reigns supreme, bestowing both triumph and ruin with equal caprice."

Erlok’s influence is a testament to the unpredictable nature of life’s fortunes. Her presence can bring about sudden changes that defy logic and planning, emphasizing the chaotic essence of luck. Those who seek her favor must be prepared for the whirlwind of change she brings, understanding that fortune under Erlok’s domain is as volatile as it is rewarding. Her blessings are a double-edged sword, offering great rewards but always with the potential for sudden loss. Erlok embodies the chaotic dance of luck, where every moment is a gamble and nothing is certain.


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