BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


The magical energy of the universe

In the vast expanse of the cosmos, there was but one constant—Flux. An eternal river of fluctuating energy, it pulsed through the universe as the very lifeblood of existence. It was here, amid the ceaseless ebb and flow of this cosmic force, that Ithar's transformation began.   When Ithar (Ithar - Parent of the Gods) chose to become the universe, Flux became more than just a force; it became the very essence that would give rise to the Pantheon of Gods. Initially, Ithar channeled Flux to impart their essence to their four daughters—the Daughters of Ithar. In this moment, Flux wove itself into the very fabric of these divine beings, becoming an integral part of their existence.   Following the birth of the daughters, it was Eda's (Eda - Goddes of Creation) turn to wield the power of Flux. Drawing inspiration from her divine siblings, she harnessed Flux to craft Pludeo, a world teeming with life and wonder. The vibrant planet, born from the fusion of divine creativity and the unyielding force of Flux, bore the signature of her unique touch.   Yet, Eda's actions were only the beginning. One by one, the daughters, whether individually or in collaboration, called upon Flux to infuse new Subgods. These Subgods, extensions of the daughters' wills, embarked on diverse missions across Pludeo, each employing distinct means to amass followers for their divine patrons.   But Flux's influence did not end with the divine. Mortals, too, can become conduits for its power. Some are touched by Flux through an unseen current, infusing their very beings with its essence. Others unlock Fluxmagic through dedicated study, delving deep into its secrets and learning to control its ebbs and flows. And then there are those infused by the Gods themselves, their connection serving as a bridge to the divine wellspring of Flux.  


Flux is a shape-shifter in the cosmos. It manifests in countless forms, a kaleidoscope of colors, sounds, and elements that continually astounds observers.   At times, Flux adopts the vibrant hues of countless sunsets, painting the cosmos in mesmerizing shades that defy imagination. It dances like a celestial artist, crafting masterpieces beyond reason.   Then, it transforms into a symphony of ethereal sounds—the very music of the spheres. Flux's song resonates through the void, a cosmic melody that touches the hearts of gods and mortals alike.   Yet, Flux isn't limited to sight and sound; it's an alchemist of elements. It can conjure fire, born of the passion of creation, or ice that chills to the core of destruction. Earth, air, water, and aether—all bow to its creative whims.   Flux remains the universe's wild card, an unpredictable magic. It can whisper gently or roar like a tempest. Woven into the fabric of existence, it continually paints the cosmos with its brilliance.  


For mortals, Fluxmagic is a pathway to tap into the boundless energies of Flux. It becomes their means to channel the vibrant colors, the ethereal sounds, and the raw elements that make up the very fabric of existence. Whether through a subtle connection formed in the womb, diligent study of Flux's secrets, or a divine link to the Gods themselves, mortals unlock the art of Fluxmagic.   In the hands of mortals, Fluxmagic takes myriad forms—a creative force to shape their destinies. It can be a mumble, a scream, a gentle touch, or a violent storm. It weaves their stories into the grand tapestry of Pludeo, bridging the gap between the mundane and the divine in a dance of cosmic forces and mortal ambition.
Metaphysical, Supernatural
Within Pludeo lie enigmatic locations where Flux bursts forth from the earth, birthing pockets of high magic—a phenomenon that blurs the lines between the ordinary and the extraordinary.   These sites are magnetic, drawing people from all walks of life. Seekers pursue enlightenment or a better life. While secretive cults, tribes or other organisations covet power. These groups believe that by infusing themselves or their companions with Flux, they can ascend to new heights.   But Flux is unpredictable. Myths say that some emerge as wielders of incredible magic, while others face mutations, madness, or disconnection from reality. These high magic locations, both wondrous and perilous, embody Pludeo's mysterious depths.


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