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Ithar - Parent of the Gods

In the cosmic tapestry of Pludeo, there exists a figure of unfathomable power— Ithar, an Alkami. The creator and the universe itself. The universe where Pludeo is nestled in the gentle embrace of twin suns, orbiting within the vast expanse of Ithar.   The enigmatic Alkami, bears emotions that transcends the mere realms of divinity. This cosmic entity possesses a depth of sentiment that defies mortal comprehension. Emotions course through Ithar's being, a spectrum of feelings as varied as the universe itself. Yet, they often manifest in ways that defy the straightforwardness of mortal sentiment. These are emotions that dance on the edges of cosmic understanding, like the flicker of a distant star.   Loneliness, for one, touches Ithar's existence—an emotion not easily grasped by a being of such cosmic magnitude. In a moment of increasing isolation, Ithar makes a profound decision. They decided to battle their loneliness by creating other beings from themselves. To accomplish this, Ithar embarked on a transformation. Manifesting itself into a physical form, a being that could collide with the ever-flowing energies of Flux—the lifeblood of the universe.   As the clash of Ithar's essence with Flux ignited a cataclysmic event, the cosmos itself witnessed the birth of the Daughters of Ithar. These divine beings were born into the colorful splendor of the cosmos. Each daughter was a testament to Ithar's mastery over creation, bearing unique attributes and powers that would shape the destiny of this universe.   However, Ithar's intentions extended beyond the birth of these daughters. In a moment of cosmic vision, Ithar imparted a divine decree to one of its daughters. Eda, (Eda - Goddes of Creation), chosen for her affinity with creation, received a celestial mandate to craft an entire world, Pludeo, teeming with life and wonder.   And thus began the grand contest among the daughters for the hearts and minds of mortals on this newly formed world. The stakes were high, for the daughter with the most followers would inherit Ithar's legacy, becoming a universe in her own right, and joining the revered ranks of the Alkami.


Ithar - Parent of the Gods


Towards Xilerxi - Goddess of Order


Xilerxi - Goddess of Order


Towards Ithar - Parent of the Gods


Ithar - Parent of the Gods


Towards Eda - Goddess of Creation


Eda - Goddess of Creation


Towards Ithar - Parent of the Gods


Ithar - Parent of the Gods


Towards Garomi - Goddess of Destruction


Garomi - Goddess of Destruction


Towards Ithar - Parent of the Gods


Ithar - Parent of the Gods


Towards Oreio - Goddess of Chaos


Oreio - Goddess of Chaos


Towards Ithar - Parent of the Gods




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