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Eda - Goddess of Creation

In the annals of celestial history, Eda stands as one of the Daughters of Ithar, a divine entity known for her role as the Goddess of Creation. Her story, intertwined with the birth of worlds and civilizations, is a testament to the power of shaping life and existence itself. Eda's first act of creation marked the birth of Pludeo, a world teeming with life and diversity. Under her benevolent hand, Pludeo flourished, becoming a realm of breathtaking beauty, where nature thrived and life blossomed in abundance.   Within Eda's partially shared pantheon, an eclectic assembly of deities spans the vast spectrum of existence. Some examples are , the Goddess of Nature, who watches over the forests, rivers, and creatures of the land. , the Goddess of Fertility, ensures that the land bear rich harvests and that families welcome new generations with joy. , the God of Light, illuminating the minds of scholars and seekers, guiding them toward enlightenment. And then there is the God of Twisted Creations, a deity that represents the darker, more sinister aspects of creation, inspiring experiments and abominations.   The followers of Eda's pantheon are as diverse as the gods themselves. Some deities find devotion within niche communities, revered by select groups of people with specific needs or aspirations. Others, enjoy widespread worship, their devotees reaching every corner of Pludeo.   In the Age of Creation, Eda held the mantle of the Goddess with the most followers. Her essence, being intimately linked to the world's birth, naturally attracted legions of worshippers. However, over time, the influence of Oreio - Goddes of Chaos, began to sway the world toward instability. The extreme proliferation of creations and gods disrupted the delicate balance of Pludeo, plunging it into turmoil and upheaval.   It was then that Eda's other sisters, Garomi - Goddes of Destruction and Xilerxi - Goddes of Order, were compelled to intervene. The Age of Destruction dawned, a necessary correction to the excesses of creation. They worked tirelessly to restore balance to the world, often in conflict with one another's ideals.   Yet, even now, two Era's later Eda retains a stable base of worshippers. Her enduring presence in the hearts of those who cherish the nurturing aspects of creation ensure that her influence endures. Eda, the Goddess of Creation, stands as a beacon of hope and inspiration in a world constantly shifting between creation, chaos, destruction, and order, her legacy interwoven with the tapestry of Pludeo's existence.  

Personality en traits

In the vast tapestry of Pludeo's existence, Eda's presence is marked by her boundless love for all that she has created. A divine entity whose tender affections extend to every living being, from the tiniest insects to the mightiest trees, and every creature that roams the land or soars in the sky. Her love, however, is not without its complexities.   Among the four sisters, Eda's power is arguably the most formidable. While each sister possesses the gift of creation, none can manipulate the fundamental essence of the universe, Flux, with the finesse that she commands. With a mere thought, Eda has the potential to breathe life into the smallest of creatures or conjure forth the grandest of structures. Her influence, though indirect, is pervasive and can be witnessed in every corner of Pludeo.   But despite her immense power, Eda carries a certain innocence within her. Her enthusiasm for exploring the boundless realms of creativity often leaves her vulnerable to manipulation by her sisters. It is this naivety that has been both a blessing and a curse. In the Era of Creation, Oreio, the Goddess of Chaos, recognized this vulnerability and seized the opportunity to deceive Eda. She cleverly exploited Eda's boundless passion, leading her to create beings and deities of unrivaled chaos. These chaotic creations, born from Eda's loving but unwitting hands, plunged Pludeo into an age of darkness.   Eda's story is a complex one. Beneath her love and creativity, she has a constant need to create, a ceaseless urge that, over time, could lead to an imbalance which may shock the very foundations of Pludeo. Her creations, born from unrelenting passion, disrupting the delicate equilibrium and setting the stage for conflict to come.


Ithar - Parent of the Gods


Towards Eda - Goddess of Creation


Eda - Goddess of Creation


Towards Ithar - Parent of the Gods


Eda - Goddess of Creation


Towards Garomi - Goddess of Destruction


Garomi - Goddess of Destruction


Towards Eda - Goddess of Creation


Eda - Goddess of Creation


Towards Oreio - Goddess of Chaos


Oreio - Goddess of Chaos


Towards Eda - Goddess of Creation


Eda - Goddess of Creation


Towards Xilerxi - Goddess of Order


Xilerxi - Goddess of Order


Towards Eda - Goddess of Creation


Character Portrait image: Eda - Goddes of Creation


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