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Grand Purifier

The Grand Purifier is the highest-ranking official within Basa Uniga, known to the public as the Puritans. This paramount role carries the weight of ensuring the organization’s core mission: the relentless pursuit and eradication of non-order worshippers and chaotic corruption. The Grand Purifier is the embodiment of Uniga - God of Inquisition's divine mandate, serving as the ultimate authority and strategist in the battle to uphold order and eliminate chaos.  

Strategic Leadership

At the helm of Basa Uniga, the Grand Purifier is responsible for setting the strategic direction and overarching policies of the organization. This includes devising and implementing comprehensive plans to hunt down and neutralize threats to order. The Grand Purifier analyzes intelligence reports, oversees the deployment of agents, and ensures that all operations align with the divine directives of Uniga.  

Command and Oversight

The Grand Purifier commands all members of Basa Uniga, from the novice Seekers to the elite Dawnbringers. They are tasked with maintaining the discipline, training, and moral integrity of the organization. Regular inspections and evaluations are conducted to ensure that every member adheres to the rigorous standards expected by the Puritans.  

Judicial Authority

As the highest authority in Basa Uniga, the Grand Purifier possesses ultimate judicial power within the organization. They adjudicate internal disputes, hand down judgments on matters of heresy, and issue decrees on the appropriate course of action for dealing with captured heretics and chaotic entities. This role involves a deep understanding of Uniga’s teachings and the moral complexities of their mission.  

Advisor to the Empress

Beyond the internal functions of Basa Uniga, the Grand Purifier serves as a crucial advisor to the Empress. In this capacity, they provide counsel on matters of state security, particularly concerning the influence of non-order deities and chaotic forces. The Grand Purifier’s insights help shape policies and strategies that align with the empire’s commitment to order and stability.  

Symbol and Morale

The Grand Purifier is a symbol of unwavering dedication and divine authority. They carry the sacred emblem of Basa Uniga—a flaming sword—openly on a necklace, a constant reminder of their sacred duty to purify and protect. Their presence inspires loyalty and fervor among the Puritans and strikes fear into the hearts of those who oppose them. The Grand Purifier also plays a key role in public ceremonies and rituals, reinforcing the organization’s ethos and mission.  

Key Functions of the Grand Purifier

  • Strategic Leadership: Crafting and implementing plans to combat chaos and uphold order.
  • Command and Oversight: Leading and maintaining discipline within Basa Uniga.
  • Judicial Authority: Adjudicating internal matters and dealing with heretics.
  • Advisor to the Empress: Providing counsel on security and anti-chaos strategies.
  • Symbol and Morale: Serving as the embodiment of Basa Uniga’s divine mission and maintaining the morale of its members.
Alternative Naming
The head Inquisitor
Current Holders
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