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Basa Uniga

Basa Uniga is a powerful and respected organization dedicated to the worship of Uniga - God of Inquisition. This elite group is renowned for their relentless pursuit of justice and order, hunting down worshippers of non-order gods and combating chaotic corruption wherever it is found. The Puritans are a visible and formidable force in society, openly carrying the symbol of Uniga on necklaces to signify their unwavering dedication to their deity and mission.


The symbol of Uniga, prominently displayed on the necklaces worn by all members of Basa Uniga, is a flaming sword. The flaming sword represents the fierce and unyielding nature of their mission, combining the elements of light and fire to symbolize their purifying and destructive power against corruption and chaos.  

Organization and Structure

Basa Uniga is composed of both clerics and fighters, who work in unison to achieve their common goal of maintaining order and eradicating corruption. The organization is highly structured, with a clear hierarchy that ensures discipline and efficiency in their operations. The ranks within Basa Uniga are as follows:   Seekers:
The entry-level rank within Basa Uniga. Seekers are the regular members, responsible for carrying out investigations, gathering intelligence, and participating in missions to hunt down non-order worshippers. They undergo rigorous training to hone their skills in both combat and interrogation.   Veiled Sentinels:
Veiled Sentinels are experienced members who have proven their loyalty and capability. They lead small teams of Seekers, directing operations and ensuring that missions are conducted with precision and efficiency. Veiled Sentinels are skilled interrogators and formidable fighters.   Iron Judicators:
Iron Judicators oversee multiple teams of Veiled Sentinels and Seekers. They are responsible for planning large-scale operations, coordinating efforts across different regions, and making strategic decisions. Iron Judicators are often seasoned veterans with extensive knowledge of both the law and combat tactics.   Dusk Enforcers:
Dusk Enforcers are senior leaders within Basa Uniga. They hold significant authority and are tasked with overseeing the overall direction and strategy of the organization. Dusk Enforcers sometimes serve as advisors to high-ranking officials like Murh's, ensuring that the influence of Basa Uniga extends to the highest levels of governance.   Grand Purifier:
The highest rank within Basa Uniga, the Grand Purifier is the ultimate authority within the organization. This individual is responsible for setting the overall vision and goals of Basa Uniga, making critical decisions, and maintaining the integrity and effectiveness of the Puritans. The Grand Purifier works closely with the Empress to ensure that the organization’s objectives align with the broader goals of the realm. @gundcurrently holds the position of Grand Purifier.  


Basa Uniga operates with a clear mandate to hunt down worshippers of non-order gods and fight chaotic corruption. Their activities include:   Investigation and Surveillance:
Gathering intelligence on suspected non-order worshippers and monitoring areas prone to chaotic influence.   Interrogation and Interdiction:
Conducting interrogations to extract information and dismantle networks of corruption. They employ both clerical and combative methods to achieve their aims.   Public Trials and Punishments:
Organizing public trials to hold those accused of chaotic worship or corruption accountable. These trials serve as both justice and a deterrent to others.   Purification Missions:
Undertaking missions to cleanse areas afflicted by chaos, restoring order through both physical and spiritual means.  

Philosophy and Beliefs

The Puritans believe in the absolute necessity of order and the unyielding pursuit of truth. They view chaos and deceit as existential threats that must be eradicated to maintain the stability and prosperity of society. Members of Basa Uniga are taught to value discipline, loyalty, and integrity above all else. They are unwavering in their mission, willing to confront any danger and make any sacrifice to uphold the principles of Uniga.  

Public Perception

Basa Uniga, as the Puritans, is both respected and feared by the public. Their visible presence and the symbol of Uniga they carry serve as constant reminders of their authority and purpose. While their methods can be harsh and uncompromising, many see them as a necessary force for maintaining order and justice in a world fraught with chaos and corruption.

"Cleansing the Tainted."

Founding Date
Alternative Names
The Puritans, The Faith Hunters, Inquisitors, Judicators
Uniga's Orderbringers
Leader Title
Related Ranks & Titles
Notable Members


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