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Orun - God of the Suns

Orun, the god of Suns, is a central figure within the Order Pantheon and Creation Pantheon, revered for his power, guidance, and the life-giving light he bestows upon the world of Pludeo. As the celestial guardian of The Twin Suns, Solara and Lunara, Orun's influence is felt in every aspect of life, from the natural environment to cultural practices and spiritual beliefs.   Orun governs the dual suns, which are bring warmth, light, and energy to Pludeo. Solara, the brighter sun, illuminates the northern hemisphere, creating a warm and vibrant climate, while Lunara, the dimmer sun, casts a gentler light over the southern hemisphere, fostering a cooler and more temperate environment. Orun’s control over these suns symbolizes his mastery over light and time, making him a deity of balance and life.   According to myth, Orun was one of the first gods created by Eda - Goddess of Creation. Tasked with overseeing the suns, Orun established the cycles of day and night, the seasons, and the rhythms of nature that sustain life on Pludeo. His creation of the twin suns was a pivotal moment that shaped the world, ensuring that light would always shine upon Pludeo, guiding and nurturing its inhabitants.  

Personality and Traits

Orun is depicted as a powerful and benevolent deity, embodying strength, wisdom, and unwavering vigilance. He is often portrayed as a radiant figure, exuding warmth and light, with eyes that can see across the cosmos. Orun's personality is marked by his dual aspects: as the bringer of life and the guardian of order. He is compassionate and nurturing, yet also stern and unyielding when it comes to maintaining the balance of light and dark.  

Followers and Worship

Followers of Orun include a diverse array of worshippers, from farmers who rely on the sun for their crops to scholars who study the celestial bodies. His temples are located in elevated places, where the suns' rays are most potent, serving as centers of worship, learning, and community gathering. Rituals dedicated to Orun involve sun-watching ceremonies at dawn and dusk, prayers for a bountiful harvest, and rites of passage that seek his blessing.   There is also a mility group allighned with Orun, Orun's Solunari are a revered order of warriors and priests dedicated to Orun. They serve as protectors of his temples and mediators of his divine will, ensuring that his blessings are used wisely and his wrath is appeased. The Solunari are chosen for their exceptional abilities and devotion, trained to harness the suns' light for healing, protection, and combat.  

Relationship with Other Deities

Orun shares a unique relationship with other gods and goddesses, particularly those within the Order and Creation pantheons. He is closely allied with Osupa - Goddess of the Moon, who governs the night and the cycles of the moon, creating a harmonious balance between their domains. Orun also maintains a respectful alliance with Luami - God of Justice, ensuring that the laws governing light and order are upheld.
"Under the eternal light of Solara and Lunara, we find our path, our strength, and the divine guidance of Orun."
Aligned Organization
Order Pantheon   Orun's teachings and influence are integral to the identity and prosperity of Pludeo. His light symbolizes clarity, strength, and the eternal cycle of life, guiding the inhabitants of Pludeo through both their daily lives and their spiritual journeys. As the god of Suns, Orun's presence ensures that the world remains in harmony, illuminated by the twin lights of Solara and Lunara.  

Orun's Solunari

Orun's Solunari are a revered order of warriors and priests dedicated to the god of Suns, Orun. They protect his temples and mediate his divine will, harnessing the suns' light for healing, protection, and combat, ensuring the balance and order Orun represents.


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