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Sode - Goddess of the Hunt

Sode, the Goddess of the Hunt, embodies the primal and chaotic aspects of the wild. Revered in the Destruction Pantheon  and Chaos Pantheon, Sode represents the fierce, untamed spirit of the hunt and the relentless pursuit of prey. Her domain encompasses not only the physical act of hunting but also the broader themes of survival, instinct, and the thrill of the chase.  

Influence and Worship

Sode’s influence is felt deeply in the untamed wilderness and among those who live by the laws of nature. Hunters, warriors, and anyone who relies on their instincts to survive revere her. Her temples are often located in remote, wild areas, serving as sanctuaries for those seeking her favor and guidance. Rituals dedicated to Sode involve offerings of hunted game, blood rites, and ceremonies that invoke her strength and prowess.  

Personality and Traits

Sode is depicted as a fierce and formidable deity, often shown with piercing eyes and a predatory grace. She is relentless and unyielding, embodying the raw power and unpredictability of the wild. Sode’s demeanor is both alluring and terrifying, drawing her followers into the thrill of the hunt while instilling a deep respect for the dangers it entails. Her traits include sharp instincts, unwavering focus, and a deep connection to the natural world.   Sode possesses the ability to transform into any animal she chooses, fully embodying its physical and instinctual traits. This transformation is not only a display of her dominion over all creatures but also a way to experience the hunt from different perspectives. She often appears to her followers in these various forms during visions or rituals, providing guidance or testing their skills in unexpected ways. This quirk adds an element of unpredictability to her interactions, reinforcing the chaotic nature of her domain.  


Followers of Sode are typically hunters, trackers, and warriors who seek to channel her ferocity and skill. They believe that by honoring Sode, they gain her favor in their pursuits, ensuring successful hunts and victories in battle. Her worshippers often engage in rites of passage that test their abilities and endurance, proving their worthiness to the goddess. Sode’s festivals are intense and primal, celebrating the raw power of nature and the hunter’s role within it.  

Relationships with Other Deities

Sode’s relationships with other deities are complex and often contentious. She is both a respected ally and a feared adversary, depending on the circumstances. Her relationship with Reisum - God of Purges, is one of mutual respect, as both deities embody the ruthless aspects of their domains. Sode also has a volatile relationship with Ani - Goddess of Fire, as fire can both aid and hinder the hunt. Their interactions are marked by a delicate balance of cooperation and rivalry.
"In the heart of the wild, where prey and predator dance, Sode’s spirit guides the hunt."
Aligned Organization
Oreio - Goddess of Chaos    Sode’s teachings emphasize the importance of honing one’s instincts, embracing the chaos of the hunt, and respecting the power of nature. She teaches her followers to be relentless in their pursuits, to trust their primal instincts, and to honor the balance of life and death in the wild. Through her influence, individuals learn to navigate the unpredictable and often brutal realities of the natural world, finding strength and purpose in the hunt. Sode’s presence serves as a reminder of the untamed forces that shape existence, inspiring her followers to embrace their inner hunter and face the challenges of life with fierce determination.


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