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Trista Tapiha

Trista Tapiha was the eldest daughter of Kristella Tapiha and the rightful heir to the leadership of Whare Moana. Born into a time of turmoil and transition, Trista inherited her mother’s intelligence and tenacity, qualities that would define her rule. From a young age, Trista displayed a keen mind and a natural aptitude for leadership. She was trained in the art of governance and military strategy, often found by her mother's side, learning the intricacies of ruling Whare Moana. Her upbringing was steeped in the values of her family, emphasizing loyalty, strength, and the pursuit of order amidst chaos.   When Kristella passed the mantle of leadership to Trista, she embraced her role with determination. Her reign was marked by stability and continuity, as she diligently continued the path laid out by her predecessors. Trista’s rule was relatively uneventful, a testament to her effective governance and the strong foundations built by her mother. Under her leadership, Whare Moana continued to thrive, maintaining its position as a bulwark of stability in a tumultuous world.   Trista’s personal life was equally dedicated to her duties. She married a respected advisor within the Whare and bore two children: Inomi Tapiha and Ciary Tapiha. She instilled in them the values of their lineage, ensuring they were well-prepared to continue the Tapiha legacy. Trista's bond with her children was strong, and she took great care in guiding them through their formative years, imparting the wisdom and knowledge she had gained from her own experiences.   Trista’s leadership style was characterized by fairness and pragmatism. She was known for her ability to make tough decisions with a level head. Her reign saw the strengthening of Whare Moana's defenses and the consolidation of its resources, ensuring that the community remained resilient against external threats.   Despite her successes, Trista’s life was not without challenges. The shadow of the past loomed large, with remnants of old rivalries and conflicts occasionally resurfacing. However, her ability to navigate these challenges with grace and determination further solidified her reputation as a capable and just leader.   As she grew older, Trista’s thoughts turned to succession. She recognized the importance of a smooth transition of power and began to prepare her children for their future roles. When her daughter Inomi's health began to decline, Trista guided her to pass the leadership to her son Ciary, ensuring the continuity of strong and stable governance for Whare Moana.   In her later years, Trista’s bond with Eamon Tapiha, who served as her general and personal protector, strengthened. Their collaboration in matters of strategy and governance became a cornerstone of her reign. This partnership started a tradition within the Tapiha family, where one of Aric’s descendants would always serve as the general and protector of the leader of Whare Moana, a testament to the enduring legacy of loyalty and familial bonds.   Trista Tapiha’s legacy is one of steadfast leadership and unwavering dedication to her people. Her reign ensured the continued prosperity and stability of Whare Moana, laying the groundwork for future generations to build upon. Through her wisdom and strength, Trista maintained the values of the Tapiha family, ensuring their place in history as guardians of order and protectors of their community.


Trista Tapiha


Towards Fronk Tapiha


Fronk Tapiha


Towards Trista Tapiha


Trista Tapiha


Towards Fiktor Tapiha


Fiktor Tapiha


Towards Trista Tapiha


263 BC 148 BC 115 years old
Place of Death
Fronk Tapiha (Brother)
Fiktor Tapiha (Brother)

Sworn Protector
Eamon Tapiha


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