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Kristella Tapiha

A member of the influential Tapiha family, Kristella is known for her intelligence, curiosity, and strategic mind. She is a central figure in the The Tapihas rise to leadership and in the saga surrounding the The Changeling. Her mother was a Gnome. Like all the Tapiha children they got their features from their mother, leading to her being a gnome as well. Here's an overview of her character:  


Kristella Tapiha grew up in Whare Moana where her family held significant influence. Her upbringing was marked by an emphasis on education and knowledge, fostering a deep-seated curiosity and a love for uncovering secrets.   She started her training as a fighter, just like her older brother, Aric Tapiha. But she quickly found out that this was not her path. Although she was skilled with the sword and nible on her feet, she prefered to study the spare books she could get a hold off. Especially book containing information about flux and containing the power of the flux. After intense study she was able to harness this power and exploid it, casting magic. Through the years her skills only increased. Leading to her being one of the few mages, that are able to cast a spell while in heavy armor.

Personality and Traits

Kristella is fiercely intelligent and driven by an insatiable curiosity. She has a knack for research and investigation, often immersing herself in ancient texts and forgotten lore. Her determination and strategic thinking make her a valuable asset to her family. She possesses a calm demeanor and a keen ability to analyze situations, making her both a natural leader and a trusted advisor.

Relationship with Family and Allies

In her early life Kristella started an especially strong bond with her sister, Zylnala Tapiha who accompanies her on the journey. While their motivations might differ, their familial loyalty remains a cornerstone of their partnership. Kristella's father, Kaita Tapiha, made the strategic decision to inform General Whanuï about her findings, leading to the inclusion of General Whanuï's emissary in the expedition. This alliance, though pragmatic, is fraught with underlying tensions and differing agendas.

  In her later life, Kristella's bond with her brother Aric strengthened. Serving as her general and personal protector, Aric became an indispensable confidant. Their relationship deepened through countless discussions about tactics and the future of Whare Moana, solidifying a profound mutual respect and familial loyalty. This close partnership not only fortified the leadership of the Whare but also established a lasting tradition: one of Aric's offspring would always serve as the general and protector of the leader of the Whare, continuing the lineage of Kristella's descendants. This tradition ensured the enduring strength and unity of their family's rule.   When life in the Whare became more stable, Kristella started a family, giving birth to three children: Trista, Fiktor, and Fronk. Each child inherited aspects of their mother's intelligence and resilience, ensuring the continued strength and legacy of the Tapiha family in Whare Moana.

Rise to Power

Kristella's rise to prominence was also marked by darker, more ruthless actions. She played a crucial role in the strategic planning and execution of the assassination of the Pukuri family. The Pukuris had long been a rival family, holding significant power and influence that threatened the Tapiha family's aspirations. Kristella's intelligence and tactical acumen were instrumental in orchestrating the downfall of the Pukuri family, leading to their eventual assassination.   With the Pukuris eliminated, Kristella was able to gain access to their extensive archives, where she discovered "The Changeling" and the subsequent clues about Paru's temple. This act, though morally ambiguous, showcased Kristella's commitment to her family's dominance and her willingness to take drastic measures to secure their position.

After the passing of her father, Kaita, Kristella ascended to the role of ruler of Whare Moana. This succession was unconventional, as her older brother, Aric, was traditionally expected to take the mantle of leadership. However, Aric's aspirations lay in the military, where he desired to become a general rather than a ruler. Recognizing Kristella's superior intelligence and strategic prowess, the family and their advisors supported her claim to leadership. As the ruler of Whare Moana, Kristella's governance is marked by her dedication to knowledge, strategic planning, and the well-being of her people.

Discovery of Paru's Temple

Kristella's journey into the mystery of Paru began with her discovery of an ancient tome titled "The Changeling" in the archives left behind by the deposed Pukuri family. The book detailed the tale of Paru, the God of Change who was corrupted by Oreio. Intrigued, Kristella delved deeper, uncovering handwritten notes by Porang on the inside cover of the book. These notes hinted at the existence of a hidden temple dedicated to Paru, located in the dense forests northwest of Whare Moana. Kristella's findings set the stage for the clandestine expedition to the temple. She is the driving force behind the mission, using her extensive knowledge and research to guide the group. Despite the dangers, her resolve to uncover the temple's secrets and potential artifacts is unwavering. She keptcertain crucial information, such as the specific artifacts that might be found in the temple, to herself, understanding the importance of strategic advantage.


Zylnala Tapiha


Towards Kristella Tapiha


Kristella Tapiha


Towards Zylnala Tapiha


Kristella Tapiha


Towards Aric Tapiha


Aric Tapiha


Towards Kristella Tapiha


341 BC 246 BC 95 years old
Place of Death
Zylnala Tapiha (Sister)
Aric Tapiha (Brother)
In essence, Kristella Tapiha is a character defined by her intellect, curiosity, and strategic acumen, coupled with a ruthless determination to protect and advance her family's interests. Her journey into the depths of Paru's temple is not just a quest for knowledge but a testament to her resolve and the complex interplay of family dynamics, political intrigue, and moral ambiguity.


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