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Wahuxi Tapiha

Wahuxi Tapiha is the son of Urco Tapiha, a key figure in the transformation of Whare Moana and its inhabitants from the age of destruction to the age of order, by migrating from the Whare to Marhumbi. Following in his father's footsteps, Wahuxi demonstrated unwavering loyalty to Yimo Xa Ku - The Empire of Order. As the Murh of Marhumbi, Wahuxi was instrumental in maintaining and enforcing order and control within the city.   Under Wahuxi's leadership, Marhumbi experienced significant growth and development. He worked closely with his father, Urco, learning from his wisdom and helping to expand Marhumbi in nearly every aspect. Wahuxi's dedication to the city's prosperity included the recent establishment of guild dependencies, which played a prominent role in the capital. Wahuxi's rule was marked by a firm commitment to the principles of order and structure, reflecting the values instilled in him by his father. His governance ensured that Marhumbi remained a bustling and important city within the Empire, contributing to its stability and prosperity.   In addition to his commitment to order, Wahuxi displayed remarkable economic prowess. He strategically fostered trade relationships, attracting merchants and traders to Marhumbi, which became a crucial hub for commerce in the region. By capitalizing on the city's geographic advantages and the recent discovery of valuable resources in the Khwati Murhi jungle and Shavakulu mountains, Wahuxi boosted Marhumbi's economy and solidified its importance within the Empire.   Wahuxi's economic policies ensured a steady flow of wealth into Marhumbi, funding public works, enhancing infrastructure, and improving the quality of life for its inhabitants. His keen understanding of economics and trade enabled him to turn Marhumbi into a thriving economic powerhouse, further securing his legacy as a capable and forward-thinking ruler.   Integral to Wahuxi's reign was the support of his sister, Liorana Tapiha Tapiha. Liorana, the second child of Urco Tapiha, shared her brother's commitment to the Empire of Order. She played a vital role in the administration of Marhumbi, using her diplomatic and strategic acumen to enhance the city's governance. Liora's efforts in fostering alliances and managing internal affairs complemented Wahuxi's economic strategies, creating a balanced and effective leadership team.   Liora's diplomatic skills were crucial in maintaining the city's stability and expanding its influence. She worked tirelessly to ensure that Marhumbi's relationships with neighboring regions and trade partners remained strong, further contributing to the city's prosperity. Together, Wahuxi and Liora Tapiha transformed Marhumbi into a model of order, stability, and economic success within the Empire.   Wahuxi's reign was further strengthened by his marriage to Xipini Vorens. Her diplomatic acumen and experience in governance made her an invaluable partner to Wahuxi. She played a significant role in maintaining Marhumbi's political stability and fostering strong alliances.

Xipini and Wahuxi's union was blessed with a son, Elian Tapiha, who at the age of eight already shows remarkable promise. Under the careful guidance of his parents, Elian is being groomed to one day take on a significant role in the leadership of Marhumbi. His upbringing is marked by a blend of discipline, compassion, and a deep sense of duty, laying the foundation for a future leader.     MAY HIS REIGN BE LONG!


Liorana Tapiha


Towards Wahuxi Tapiha


Wahuxi Tapiha


Towards Liorana Tapiha


Xipini Vorens


Towards Wahuxi Tapiha


Wahuxi Tapiha


Towards Xipini Vorens


Year of Birth
17 AoO 57 Years old
Xipini Vorens (Wife)
Liorana Tapiha (Sister)
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations

Sworn Protector
Rian Tapiha


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