Ivangorod Fortress

A lone island in the middle of the Argara River, since the first warlords arrived in the area, a small stronghold has always been present. The Argara has always been a key asset on navigating through Drasnia and whoever controls Ivangorod Fortress essentially holds the heart of the nation in their hands.


For hundreds of years, there was nothing more on the island other than a palisade a handful of buildings for the garrison. However since Ahgneir became the ruler of Drasnia, grand modifications have occurred. Ahgneir employed the service of numerous druids to artificially expand the ground in order to build a large complex that could maintain control of the vital shipping route.


Tall stone walls line the edges of the island with numerous arrow loops to allow defenders to shoot out safety. The walls are painted dark grey, which under the effects of the Mists, adds a grim aura to the castle. Large banners with the symbol of the Flagellants are hung to remind the steady stream of travelers who is in charge of the river. A single wooden bridge connects the island to the east river bank. A short square tower made of similar stone to the castle sits on the bank and controls who can approach the castle.


The first settlers of the area were a nomadic people who travelled up and down the river on large barges. The first people to build a permanent settlement in the area was King Ivan I Voronov. He was a warlord who founded the small settlement of Ivangorod, or Ivan's Town and began to impose a toll on the river. Using the funds he collected he maintained a small garrison of troops on the island. For centuries the Voronov Dynasty maintained control of the Araga river and survived as a major house into the Swamp Wars.   During the Swamp Wars, the Voronov Dynasty took a state of neutrality until the Petty Kingdom of Korokgrad invaded them. The original city of Ivangorod was razed and much of the population slaughtered. The surviving heirs of Voronov formed a hasty alliance with the Duchy of Novikov which had the Voronov's ultimately mingle with the Novikov bloodlines. The Duchy of Novikov was eventually able to defeat the other minor kingdoms in the Swamp Wars and form what would be the foundations of Drasnia.   No direct heir of the Voronov Dynsasy survived the Swamp Wars and thus has led to the ruler of Novikov controlling the river. After the war, Ivangorod was rebuilt and stayed as a minor settlement along with the river for centuries. It wasn't until Borak the Dark that a stronghold was rebuilt on the island and a toll was reinstated. He managed to 'restart' the Voronov dynasty through the exploitation of long-forgotten laws and ancestry.   When Drasnia became a unified kingdom, House Voronov was made a minor house that ruled the area and a major source of internal income for the kingdom. The head of House Voronov would ultimately be the major backing force for Prophet Ahgneir and lead to his ascension to the throne. However once Ahgneir gained power, the entirety of House Voronov conveniently contracted River Rot and all died within a few months. He would name himself Lord of Ivangorod and go about building up the area.
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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