
The Jastite are mostly the Northeast regions of the Pohet in the The Free Lands , The Frostlands , Confederation of Jastorf , & Kingdom of Konigir . Jastite tend to stand taller than most other people and their skin ranges from pale to fair. Their hair & eye colors also tend to be lighter with piercing blue eyes and blonde hair being the stereotypical Jastite.

The harsh landscapes that made the origin of the Jastite have instilled strong virtues. Community and strength are typically the guiding factors to their moral compass as their ancient survival depended on surviving the winters. The Jastites in the north often claim they are the direct descendants of cross-breeding with giants and they boast that it is the reason they are taller than average and better resistant to the cold.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Aslog, Brynhild, Iona, Kari, Olga, Runa, Solveg

Masculine names

Alaric, Bjorg, Calder, Egil, Manning, Snorri, Ulf

Family names

Tend to be based off a significant ancestor or a great feat committed by the individual. For example, Ivar is the son of Knud who was a great warrior. Ivar's family name would then be Knudson. Or if Ivar slew a dragon it might be Ivar Dragonsbane.


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