The Holy 12

The main belief of Pohet, the Holy 12 is the collection of various gods that the majority of inhabitants follow. Each of the gods work with each other to limit each other's powers while also striving to better everyone as a whole.

Mythology & Lore

The gods are a race of beings that came from the collapse of their life in the astral worlds. With the destruction of their worlds, they wander our planes looking to rebuild a new and to avoid their previous apocalypse. The different planes have been around longer than the gods and even they do not know how the universe was created.   Most races from the newer gods believe in a paradise with their deity and that when the universe is to end, that their god will take them to salvation.

Divine Origins

When the gods arrived and began to create or take over aspects of life they began to preach to those who followed them what they believed and how they determined salvation. The gods for the most part work together to keep each other's powers in check and thus allow common followers to worship any/all of them as they see fit.

Cosmological Views

Animals and plants were created when the world was formed. When the gods first started arriving to the world, they took promising species and molded them to their wishes. Most species have one deity that is their patron although some species were formed from the mingling of races and therefore do not have a set patron.


For most people, worship typically includes gifting small tokens to shrines of the gods in hope of some sort of boon or fortune. Otherwise priests of the faith will give sermons in various holy sites while clerics do actions directed by their diety (Heal the sick, slay undead, act as wardens for wildlife, etc)   Each of the 12 is given one month of which is dedicated to them to which there is a 2 day festival honoring the deity.   January- Avna Feburary- Aero March- Sunas April- The Mother May- Onir June- Tiellin July- Daldir August- Ira September- Cavtia October- Drala November- Tiella December- Titon

Granted Divine Powers

Regardless of patron diety, priests and clerics who devote themselves to the study of one of the gods will often be granted magical powers which they can channel through prayer and practice. The patron god can accept or decline any request as they see fit and typically guide their followers on what is generally accepted or not.
Religious, Pantheon
Permeated Organizations
Related Ethnicities

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