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Archaens are people of ancient bloodlines said to be blessed by Arceus who can manifest one or more of the elemental powers of the 18 Pokemon types. Usually an Archaen has only one type they are able to control, but history has shown that there have been Archaens with dual elemental powers.   Over time, Archaens have become less common throughout Ransei. Some are more common than others, with Fontaine being the home to several dozens of Water-type Archaens and Avia having a decent population of Flying-type Archaens living on its floating islands, and some are extremely rare, such as Normal-type Archaens, with none publicly known to have existed in the past 50 years.

Basic Information


Sometimes Archaens will have unique features, such as pointed ears, stone-scaled skin, and even color-changing hair and eyes. However, these types of features are extremely rare and dependent on the Type of Archaen they are: for example, Rock-type Archaens are the only ones who can manifest stone-scaled skin, as it is an extension of their specific blessing.

Genetics and Reproduction

Archaeic blood is believed to have become much more dilute: not every Archaen will have children that manifest that power, and there are some cases where dormant blood is awoken inside of those whose families were not to have believed to have had Archaen blood. However, only those who manifest powers are considered to be Archaen, while those that don't are still considered to be normal humans. Because of this, many believe that even Archaens exist today are actively blessed by Arceus, especially if the powers that manifest are stronger.

Growth Rate & Stages

Powers have been known to manifest at multiple stages of life, and become especially more prominent with training.

Ecology and Habitats

Most Archaens reside in the reigon that corrensponsed with their Archaeic type. (Ex: Water-types in Fontaine, Flying-types in Avia)

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Specific sensory and extrasensory skills depend on the Type of Archaen, but most Archaens at least have a heightened sense of perception and are more in-tune with Pokemon's nature. They are usually more successful in understanding and communicating with them, as well.

Civilization and Culture

Gender Ideals

It is not uncommon for Archaens to trend towards gender-fluid or gender-neutral norms, especially if there are outside influences such as their local culture (if Archaic power is cultivated and appreciated), or if they feel a connection with a Legendary Pokemon. But this isn't always the case.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Due to a blessing from Arceus, Archaens have the innate ability to understand the ancient Archaic language. There are scholars that aren't Archaen that have dedicated their lives to studying the language, but even if an Archaen has no prior exposure to the language, they are able to understand it. Once they have exposure to the language, they are able to speak it fluently, as well.   Archaens are also known to be extremely good at communicating with Pokemon, and are able to understand many of the complexities of Pokemon language. While there aren't many studies, some research suggest that Pokemon understand the Archaic language more easily than other human-spoken languages.

Common Myths and Legends

Legends say that long ago, Arceus gave 18 people the power of the Pokemon elemental Types, one for each person, so that they would be able to live alongside and protect Pokemon as well connect with humans, serving as a bridge between people and Pokemon to protect them from one another.   These blessings were said to be tied to Arceus's elemental plates, with a shard of each being infused with each of the 18 individuals. Many of the plates nowadays have been lost to time in ancient ruins.

Known Archaens

Ina (Water)
Cordelia (Flying)
Azura (Water)


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