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Hamid mota-Marakisè

Hamid is a male Xabelian human mercenary and high-ranking lieutenant in the Buntèni Syndacite. His pronouns are he/him. 
Hamid grew up on the streets of Goblin Alley in Aljabar, picking pockets and getting into fights. His scrappy attitude drove him to join the Buntèni Syndicate as a youth as a form of upward mobility out of his poor living conditions. 
In 1432 HE, the Marquis headed up an operation that he thought would earn himself and the Syndicate a great deal of prestige and gold. He attempted to ambush and sell a minotaur named Ronith to the mage Magwa. This plan backfired when a group of heroes from the Guild of Swords that Hamid tried to bribe defeated him in combat and took him prisoner. The disgraced mercenary made his way to the Imperium Deus, where he went to start a new life in Serpentine, The City of a Thousand Roads.


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