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Serpentine, The City of a Thousand Roads

Serpentine is the capital of the Imperium Deus. It's a bustling medieval metropolis, that serves as a crossroads between the various reaches of the Holy Empire and many other nations. Its population is considerable and remarkably diverse.
It is also the seat of power of the Imperium Deus's governing body, the Church of the Unbroken Wheel. Numerous other factions are active in Serpentine, such as the Stone Watch, the Circle of the Wicked, the Night Legion, the Star Sentinels, and the Cult of the Duo.
Fifteen distinct districts make up Serpentine. Most centrally located is Blazing Cross, an upper class area that also serves as the location for the headquarters of the Church. Just to its northeast is the high class shops and homes of Silver Street. Filled with lush gardens and parks, Garden Heights is reserved for the wealthiest nobility and merchant class families.
To the northwest of Blazing Cross is the Night Market, a busy mercantile district filled with business and the homes of merchants and craftspeople. The Canal District is a merchant and lower class area full of warehouses and the residences of laborers. Located beyond the southeastern gate of the city is Iron Fort, a district that is home to the headquarters of the Stone Watch and merchants and craftspeople. North of Iron Fort is the Bell Tower Ward, used primarily as a place for small temples and shrines to foreign deities, as well as the homes of the lower and merchant classes. Beyond the northwestern gate is Foregate, a district that receives much of the overland trade for the city.
The roughest slums of Serpentine are the Skull Slums. It's a lawless part of the city ruled more by street gangs than any real authority. To the east is Foggy Row, another lower class district. It receives its name from the fog from the lake at the heart of the city that often rolls through it. Nestled between the two districts is the World of Clouds. Built on raised platforms and walkways on the lake, this area serves as a ghetto for the less humanoid and more magical races of Serpentine and is full of brothels and bathhouses.
Between Silver Street and the Bell Tower Ward is the Serpent's Menagerie, a sprawling wildlife reserve filled with all sorts of animals from across Polnarus. South of the Skull Slums is the Necropolis, a largely abandoned and dilapidated section of the city. It is believed to be oldest part of Serpentine, predating the establishment of the Church. Laying to the east of the Necropolis and south of Foggy Row is the Grand Graveyard. This massive graveyard is where the dead of Serpentine are interred in plots and mausoleums once they've been cremated.
Lastly, but certainly not least, is the Palace in the far northeastern section of the city. It's the home of the God-Emperor and their vast support structure of servants, bodyguards, and Church attendants.

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