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The Acceptance

all will be Accepted by them as long as all Accept their rule.

Written by DawnShadow4444

the Acceptance   The Acceptance is a group of firebranders, their main goal is to do the will of their god. what their gods will is only the leader Captain Ppickles Knows. they have turned every government in the world except Tranden and Calbias governments into puppet governments that they control. they are the most powerful organization on earth. armies will turn away from a single man bearing the elitist acceptance mark. they have done much in the way of control. Pro lgbtqia+ laws were passed by every country but Calbia. All world-ending weapons were stolen by them. including all the ability to make more. world leaders assassinated, treasuries robbed. armies turned away from their mission, and sieges ended. They have truly made an impact and a name for themselves in this world.     how they began   legend says a humble merchant was visited by the Gods Eversor and Ad Ens. You see Eversor and Ad Ens were far too busy fighting a battle to protect us from other Gods trying to invade our universe. they could not help us. they could not interfere. normally they send demigods to do their will on earth and keep order. (they can't interfere themselves that would be like a child poking an anthill, no matter the intention the effects would be disastrous.) but all the demigods were off fighting the war. so they offered her a deal, they would make her a demigod specifically suited to keep order on Earth. in exchange, she would always have the ability to keep her loved ones safe. she agrees immediately. her first task is to steal all world-ending weapons, destroy all information on how to make these things and kill anyone who knows how. her family resisted her decision at first but then they came round to her side. after years Ppickles had saved up enough money to fund a school to train her operatives. disguised as an Orphanage. this is known as the Palace of Ad Ens. which makes us think this school does not exist. the Palace of Ad Ens is a myth like China or Atlantis.     their achievements   As the so-called protector of this world, their main achievements (have already been stated in this article, but I will restate them here.) include:   stopping all production of world-ending weapons   assassinating the 50th leader of Tranden   turning away the invading armies coming into Roume   enforcing LGBTQIA+ laws in all countries except Calbia   destroying the dragon breeding facilities all around the world   discovering The Palace Of Ad Ens   the siege of Princes memory ended   robbing the treasuries of Tranvillas   destroying 5 hidden research facilities in Alinglaplap   evacuating thousands of people before the great coal mine explosions in Australia   causing the great coal mine explosions in Australia   freeing 2 million slaves from the Bulgar mines   bringing medicine to hundreds of sick in Bluebl   stopping animal cruelty to the Pandas in Africa and Australia   turning Calbia into a desert     crewmembers   the elite crewmembers as far as we know are:   Captain Ppickles, desert dragon Ppickles Dawn   Cranberries, first mate, winter elf Cranberries Icicle   Juniper Berries, lookout, forest spirit Juniper Berries Juniper   Oliver, Pureblood Vampire Oliver   Blueberries, Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever Canise Blueberries   Orchid: Shroomie, Deceased   Reeds, librarian, Vampire ghost seer   Kadam, a former guard in Tranvillas, watermentalist Vampire   Thomas, stable master, human, the only human elitist   Breeze, wolf shifter, it is suspected she is a mistwolf shifter   Floof, healer and therapist, cloud dragon Floof   Cabbage, night watch, demon of despair Cabbage and Kale Despair and Deafness   kale, night watch, demon of deafness Cabbage and Kale Despair and Deafness   candy, hacker, face changer   taru, the newest member, bard, unknown species     system and hierarchy   the system hierarchy is quite important. at the top of the stack is the patrons, eversor and Ad ens. then its the captain. then the elitist crewmembers. below them is the Operatives. below that is the servants and friends. then the prisoners and pets. then everybody outside of the Acceptance firebranders. then the mutes. i will explain each of these and what they do.   the patrons are the Gods Eversor and Ad Ens. if this is not your religion or you are an atheist just a warning that this is what the Captain says. they task the captain with certain jobs. and give her boons in exchange.   the Captain directs the crew, and makes all the hard decisions. from the few bits we have gotten from her and the crew we can assume she cares for the elites like a family.   The elites are the dangerous part of the Acceptance Firebranders, and why no one is willing to go up against anyone bearing the mark. the real reason those bearing the mark of the elite can turn away armies is because more than once, a single elite has destroyed massive armies within a day. when mentioned to first mate Cranberries he states "to be fair it was all humans, none of them had magic. though i am still really proud of it" we also know that each of the elitists play a role in running the ship. we put to our best knowledge the roles of each of the elites above^the tattoo of the elites is dark red on their wrists and their backs. the Elites dont get a choice when it comes to Immortality they all have to wear the choker.   the Operatives are spread globely, though they arent as powerful as the elites nobody messes with them. if you kill a single Operative, anybody who has spoken to you in the past 5 days will be tortured to death, you will be forced to watch, then killed yourself. they dont mess around. the dutys of Operatives vary. the main ones we know of is guarding the time portals, restricting knowledge they deem too dangerous for the public to have, and espionage. lots and lots of espionage very few Operatives are recognizable in anyway except the green tattoo on their wrist. only the ones who ask for immortality get it among the Operatives.   the servants work mainly in POAE and on the Acceptance ship. as far as weve heard the when the Acceptance was just the Elites and the Captain. they were loath to have servants but they had little other choice, dominating the world is hard work, they needed somebody to lighten the load. the tattoo of the servants is white on their wrists and back. their duties mainly consist of cleaning. but not just anybody can be a servant the captain herself has to trust someone with the secrets of the Acceptance to become a servant, and once you are a servant you stay a servant for life. the servants they like they give the immortality chokers to. and those have to serve for an eternity.   friends do not get a choice on the chokers either, very, very, very few people have ever been considered a friend of the acceptance for the nearly 1500 years they have tormented this earth only, 11 people have ever been considered friend, by the acceptance. they get the best lot out of anyone who comes in contact with these horrible people. they get to live their lives, they can call the entire power of the acceptance down on their enemies heads, and they have to spend a week on the ship once a year. their color is yellow on their wrist.   prisoners get the color orange on their wrist. they often dont ever see the light of day after getting their markings. only when the crew is only keeping them imprisoned temporarily do they get to survive the acceptance. but the gods rarely request anyone survive their experience with the crew. most prisoners see the orange marking as a death sentance. they will live out the rest of their days imprisoned. this is not true as the crew only ever keeps people alive when they have use for them. so being a prisoner is always a temporary sentance and most nobody has died of old age in the brig.   pets dont usually get a marking the few times an intelligent being has been considered a pet they just get the orange marking of the prisoners. the best way to recognize a pet of the acceptance is they usually have a collar saying that they are property of the acceptance.   mutes get a black marking symbolizing death, the few people who have been given the black marking outside of being captured have a few hours to say goodbye then disapear. we can only assume they end up as mutes. the idea behind mutes is, there are 3 vampires among the elites, and hundreds if not thousands among the Operatives. Vampires need to eat. their vocal cords are ripped out, and if they survive the process they are eaten slowly alive.     rules   their are three rules of the Acceptance that everybody must follow in their eyes.   1 no Prejudice of anything except Acceptance status.   2 no assualting   3 do what the captain orders

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Author's Notes

Ive spent years thinking this up, hope it shows!

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