Great Ecumenical Council of 2078

Gathering / Conference


A religious council of many major world religions convenes and reunites periodically over the course of several years to determine a Human response to the Technological Singularity and other human subspecies.

The Great Ecumenical Council of 2078 declared that any subspecies that had altered its original human DNA had split away from the parent H. s. sapiens species. It first met in November 2078 in a location known only as The Sacred City, but reconvened over the course of several years in various major cities such as London, Mecca, New York, New Jerusalem, Kiev, Lagos, Second Sydney, Rio de Janeiro, Kolkata, Jakarta, and Beijing.   The Council defined the parameters of each subspecies (at the time—later subspecies would be added and defined by later council meetings). And for Homo sapiens sapiens, that meant no more than a scant 15% of key genetic markers the Council members had consensually deemed "essentially and undeniably the domain of the Original and Pure Human Being as created by God Almighty, respective of these Holy Traditions gathered in one Spirit" [sic] could be altered.   When an actual analysis and census of all of the subspecies was finally concluded among the Earth's nine billion plus inhabitants, it was revealed that the "Pure Humans" as the Council defined H. s. sapiens had diminished to an alarming minority of all the Humans (now at 11.9% in 2100 C.E.). Whether the initial Council regretted its strict definitions is unknown, but the result was that those identified as "Pure Human" became more fanatic and insistent that they alone had the right to "inherit the Earth and have dominion over it." [sic]   Two major "books" were produced and published at the last Council gathering: an historical account, the Book of Successors, and a moral/philosophical/theological code called the Book of the Law.

Related Location
The Sacred City
Related timelines & articles
The Rise of the Human Subspecies