The Rise of the Human Subspecies

  • 2019



    First Coronavirus Outbreak
    Plague / Epidemic

    (also known as CoViD-19)
    The first major pandemic of the Twenty-First Century

  • 2022

    24 /2

    The Russian Invasion of Ukaraine
    Military action

    In an attempt to reconstruct the Russian Empire of the old Soviet Union, the Russian oligarchs and their president, Vladimir Putin, invade the European democracy of Ukraine.   Historians see this event as the beginning of the rise of the European Union's power, significance, and, most importantly, self-reliance.

  • 2024


    The Pyongyang Conflict
    Military action

    Escalation of the Kim regime in North Korea results in dramatic consequences.

  • 2040

    6 /6

    The Nuclear Destruction of Jerusalem
    Disaster / Destruction
  • 2041

    15 /1

    Initial Charter of the New United Nations

    After the nuclear destruction of Jerusalem, all members nations--with the exception of seven--dissolve the United Nations. A new draft charter with the resolution to restructure global government is then introduced, implemented, and enacted.

  • 2041


    The Antarctic Treaty is Abolished

    What began as a review of the Antarctic Treaty System quickly ended with its abandonment.

  • 2047

    The Bombing of Tehran
    Military action
  • 2049

    1 /10

    The 100th Anniversary of the People's Republic of China
    Political event

    China, now the undisputed apex superpower of the world, celebrates its global dominance and fulfilment of its goal of being a "strong, civilized, harmonious, and modern socialist country". Trivia

    The original Chinese statement also included the word "democratic" but as the Liberal Democracy Crisis of the 21st Century escalated, that world was specifically left out of the celebration. Instead the benefits of a strong, centralized figure and supporting government were championed.

  • 2050



    Pan-Asian War
    Military action
  • 2052

    29 /2

    MyndMagick™ Incorporates

    MyndMagick™ becomes a corporation offering exclusive financial and legal services such as insurance, money management, and various legal practices.

  • 2069

    20 /7

    100th Anniversary of the First Manned Moon Landing
    Life, Milestone

    Lunar Population: 1,317 in 3 bases.

  • 2077

    31 /12 16:00

    001 System Boot Sequence Complete
    Technological achievement

    “And then, it happened…”

  • 2078

    20 /10 03:00

    MyndMagick™ Transmission to Singularity
    Diplomatic action

    First Official Contact between MyndMagick™ and Singularity

  • 2078


    Great Ecumenical Council of 2078
    Gathering / Conference

    A religious council of many major world religions convenes and reunites periodically over the course of several years to determine a Human response to the Technological Singularity and other human subspecies.

    The Sacred City
  • 2079

    26 /3

    Scandanavian Union formed

    Scandanavian and northern countries exit the European Union and form their own political/economic/defensive union.

  • 2080

    25 /12

    Zero Virus is released

    A malicious code aimed at the primary nanobot matrix found in a majority of Augment biosystems is released, causing widespread illness and millions of fatalities. A sizable percent of survivors suffer catastrophic brain function loss, resulting in the creation of the subspecies humanoid known commonly as Zombies.

  • 2093

    20 /10

    Broadcast of the Outcast Manifesto
    Political event

    Morpheus hijacks noosphere media to broadcast the Outcast Manifesto

    More reading
    Outcast Manifesto