The Muhzar City map
Ravine Level
The city occupies a small ravine only a quarter mile in length.
The Muhzar region is approximently 20 square miles.
Muhzar Regional Map
18 Nagpako, 2 Jelly people, 2 humans, 1 Loxodon, 1 Kalashtar, and 1 Tabaxi
Influential Figures of Muhzar
The sage leader of The's tribe. Using his necromatic arts he strikes fear into those who try to exploit the small tribe. His skeletal scouts and warriors provide huge benfits to the population he spitually leads.
Anup was saved in the desert by three adventerers who latered founded Muhzar. Now he is an apprentice wizard to Brick.
Tired, lazy, unless playing a tune. Cops halfing frame allows her to slip through tavern crowds with ease. She enjoys long naps and short descriptions.
Drul has a thick accent and mild manner. He speaks to his machines more than his friends. His beloved wagon is his choice unit of travel on the Hazfen dunes.
The Rotund egg loves his nickname despite its unflattering nature. Enjoying the shiny things in life he has always stood out from his traditional Nagpako tribe. He says that the coin is worth the gossip.
The timid engineer in the Shrine. Floyd usually inhabits the centeral consol and walls to avoid Ricks wrath. Rick has stated he should be in the engine room, always, but Floyd seems to rebel in a passive aggressive manner. After being frozen on the Shrine for many years these passive agressive actions seem to be his only way of clearly communicating left.
Geofry the Lenient
Small, slimy, not stupid. Geofry's squeaky voice and stumbling gait make quite the slapstick show. Geofry has long been cursed, blessed, with a large curtain of slime attached to their body. Through study and effort Geofry has managed to produce many wonderous products from his study of the oozy products in his life.
Jenny Harder Blight
Star struck, yes they are. Jenny heals with a touch of starlight in each palm. They hope to one day go up to the astral realm that provides the blessing they utilize.
Mischief the owner of Ysereh books in Aleshemes knows a fool when he sees one. His tounge has landed him in many ass on the ground situations, but with a smile on his face. His know it all knowledge doesn't help.
Banished scholar of The's tribe, Nick worked with a group of adventerers to regain his standing with the tribe. A coward and mage, he does not make many friends in the harsh dunes.
Rick sternly walked out of the vault when it was unlocked. He has not stopped stomping since. He is mysterious in true origin but makes his authority clear. Skilled in control of the Shrine, he chaffes on the fact that Floyd has locked him out. the Warforged trio remain under his control though. His goals and intentions are unclear.
The is a longstanding tribal leader of a small Nagpko tribe near the Sigh Dunes. He priotized their saftey above all else. He then prioritizes having the best wife.
5 people for a council to dispute all matters. Currently the founding four Slivers of Divinity and the Nagpako nomad leader are on the council.
A large shrine and several tents within the mostly covered ravine provide some organization.
Founded yesterday, the shrine was a hidden point of intrested discovered by adventers. Upon activating it a nomadic tribe of Nagpako came to it and settled.