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Ruler: Queen Susanna Maltravers Government: monarchy   Culture: Halflings   Population: 21,249,967   History:  
  • year 207 - Heloise is declared a hero of Laghen for single-handedly saving the Queen from a squad of assassins.
  • year 207 - Heloise Burton becomes renowned in Laghen as a great healer.
  • year 219 - Heloise Burton is the only person to survive a poisoned feast.
  • year 220 - Heloise is portrayed as an idiot in the popular song called The Deceitful Halfling.
  • year 268 - Heloise Burton is drawn and quartered by savage tribesmen.
  • year 349 - Dunn becomes famous as the subject of the most beloved romantic ballad in Laghen.
  • year 349 - A month of festivals commemorates the completion of the Exalted Ziggurat in the capital of Laghen.
  • year 374 - King Ragnald Maltravers announces a week-long festival of athletic events, to be held each year on the anniversary of the founding of Laghen.
  • year 691 - Rebecca Abbot falls into a volcano and is incinerated by lava.
  • year 697 - Lefleda is lauded as the finest calligrapher in the land.
  • year 703 - Lefleda Caxton becomes the subject of a famous play.
  • year 704 - Lefleda rescues a nobleman from the clutches of an evil cult.
  • year 728 - Lefleda Caxton solves a riddle that has gone unanswered for 1200 years.
  • year 741 - Lefleda Caxton dies of a previously unknown food allergy.
  • year 743 - Parnell Saintjohn first becomes famous for leading the army to an impressive victory in the Battle of Gladiators.
  • year 750 - Parnell Saintjohn brings two bitterly opposed religious orders together in peace.
  • year 759 - Parnell Saintjohn dies a heroic death and is immortalized in song and prose.
  • year 802 - Pilwin Benz retires from adventuring to run the most famous tavern in Laghen.
  • year 920 - Regnvald Gorst accidentally creates a religious schism.
  • year 1057 - Balderab annexes part of Laghen after a horrifying battle, leaving them freshly aware of the value of life.
Geopolitical, Country

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  • 1

    3 /12

    Laghen founded

    The halfling nation of Laghen is founded.

    More reading
    Additional timelines
  • 207

    The hero of Laghen
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    Heloise is declared a hero of Laghen for single-handedly saving the Queen from a squad of assassins.

    More reading
  • 207

    Healing hands
    Religious event

    Heloise Burton becomes renowned in Laghen as a great healer.

    More reading
  • 219

    Dinner for one
    Disaster / Destruction

    Heloise Burton is the only person to survive a poisoned feast.

    More reading
  • 220

    Heloise's new song
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    Heloise is portrayed as an idiot in the popular song called The Deceitful Halfling.

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  • 268

    Pulled in too many directions
    Life, Death

    Heloise Burton is drawn and quartered by savage tribesmen.

    More reading
  • 349

    The exalted ziggurat is completed
    Religious event

    A month of festivals commemorates the completion of the Exalted Ziggurat in the capital of Laghen.

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  • 349

    What's love got to do with it
    Artistic creation

    Dunn becomes famous as the subject of the most beloved romantic ballad in Laghen.

    More reading
  • 374

    The thrill of victory ...
    Sporting Event / Competition

    King Ragnald Maltravers announces a week-long festival of athletic events, to be held each year on the anniversary of the founding of Laghen.

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  • 691

    28 /1

    ... the agony of defeat
    Life, Death

    Rebecca Abbot falls into a volcano and is incinerated by lava.

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  • 697

    Drawing her destiny
    Life, Publicity

    Lefleda Caxton is lauded as the finest calligrapher in the land.

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  • 703

    The pen is mightier ...
    Artistic creation

    Lefleda Caxton becomes the subject of a famous play.

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  • 704

    19 /12

    ... but the sword is handy too
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    Lefleda rescues a nobleman from the clutches of an evil cult.

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  • 728

    3 /1

    An unmatched mind
    Scientific achievement

    Lefleda Caxton solves a riddle that has gone unanswered for 1200 years.

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  • 741

    To shell with you
    Life, Death

    Lefleda Caxton dies of a previously unknown shellfish allergy.

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  • 743

    Parnell Saintjohn's rise
    Military action

    Parnell Saintjohn first becomes famous for leading the army to an impressive victory in the Battle of Gladiators.

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  • 750

    20 /4

    Bringing them to the table
    Diplomatic action

    Parnell Saintjohn brings two bitterly opposed religious orders together in peace.

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  • 759

    The song of Saintjohn
    Life, Death

    Parnell Saintjohn dies a heroic death and is immortalized in song and prose.

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  • 802

    The Laghen Tavern
    Life, Career

    Pilwin Benz retires from adventuring to run the most famous tavern in Laghen.

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  • 920

    The accidental messiah
    Religious event

    Regnvald Gorst accidentally creates a religious schism.

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  • The War of Tears
    Balderab defeats Laghen
    Military action

    Balderab annexes part of Laghen after a horrifying battle, leaving the Laghenites freshly aware of the value of life.

    More reading


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