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A History of Praetonia

The First Era

... 0 FE

The first era of the civilized world. Nations were conceived and built during this age. The time before is lost to the ether ...

  • Celeste Lunarios
    Aidanea, the first elven nation is founded

    Meadghbheid Beven founds the first elven kingdom

  • 1 FE

    3 Sunsebb

    Laghen founded

    The halfling nation of Laghen is founded.

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  • 5 FE

    Stanwin Allen founds Glenland, the first democracy

    Stanwin Allen, a halfling, founds the world's first democracy.

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  • 13 FE

    Zacnabal founded

    Zacnabal is founded by lizardfolk priests whose names are lost to time.

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  • 53 FE

    Has Kimir is founded

    The Gods gift Eilin Thunderbelly an opulent palace in return for her noble needs.

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  • 65 FE

    Linmere founded

    With Brunihild Swart's vengeance against the pirates complete, she founds Linmere in the south.

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  • 102 FE

    Sychkar founded

    Linmere's commitment to shipbuilding and cartography leads to the new settlement of Sychkar on distant shores.

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  • 112 FE

    Octrea is founded by Coshaba exiles

    To avoid a power struggle, Archwizard Avice Benz of Coshaba sends an upstart member of the Arcane Council off to lead the new colony of Octrea.

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  • 295 FE

    Has Kimir discovers new mining techniques
    Discovery, Scientific

    New and more efficient mining methods allow for a greater yield of metals and minerals.

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  • 311 FE

    Linmere's monarchy is established

    King Corwen Dusteby claims the gods have bequeathed the divine right of rulership to his family and his family alone, and establishes a monarchy.

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  • 314 FE

    Octrea founds the colony of Glorban

    Octrea founds an overseas colony, Glorban.

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  • 349 FE

    The exalted ziggurat is completed
    Religious event

    A month of festivals commemorates the completion of the Exalted Ziggurat in the capital of Laghen.

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  • 367 FE

    Octrea's criminals found Balderab

    Octrea ships its criminals overseas to provide the labor force for its newest colony, Balderab.

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  • 387 FE

    Crosalt is founded

    Queen Molleva Everdon of Octrea founds an overseas colony, Crosalt.

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  • 395 FE

    Zacnabal hero Ahkab creates Chaknazal

    The Zacnabal Lizardish hero Ahkab-colop founds Chaknazal as a bulwark against invading barbarian tribes.

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  • 418 FE

    Deciphering the ancients
    Discovery, Scientific

    Aneirinay Siseal becomes famous as the first to translate an ancient Elven script.

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  • 451 FE

    The Linmere earthquakes
    Geological / environmental event

    Many die when a series of powerful earthquakes devastate Linmere.

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  • 473 FE

    Colloquium of Generosity in Chaknazal
    Gathering / Conference

    A renowned festival called the Colloquium of Generosity annually brings the world's greatest philosophers from to the capital.

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  • 519 FE

    Glenland founds the colony of Warere

    Glenland founds an overseas colony, Warere.

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  • 545 FE

    Stealing the Linmere throne
    Political event

    Amidst a showing of great pageantry, King Manstan Winston of Linmere declares that Matilda Liverich, his young cousin, is to be his heir and not his own scheming children.

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  • 580 FE

    Covet they neighbor
    Political event

    Balderab begins actively sending seditionists into neighboring nations.

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  • 618 FE

    Nice harbor you got here ...
    Geological / environmental event

    An iceberg larger than a castle arrives in Octrea's greatest harbor, blocking and crushing the docks.

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  • 619 FE

    Warere falls to Linmere
    Military action

    Osmund Leigh helps the King of Linmere to invade Warere, conquer them, and seize their treasury -- in exchange for a small share of the plunder.

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  • 697 FE

    Drawing her destiny
    Life, Publicity

    Lefleda Caxton is lauded as the finest calligrapher in the land.

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  • 699 FE

    Consolidating power

    Several leading members of the most influential guilds in Balderab are exiled by the Queen, as the guild's influence had become threatening to the monarchy.

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  • 728 FE

    3 Fireseek

    An unmatched mind
    Scientific achievement

    Lefleda Caxton solves a riddle that has gone unanswered for 1200 years.

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  • 735 FE

    Cullden is founded by Linmere

    King Duncan Gare of Linmere founds the colony of Cullden in an effort to curb the expansion of his rivals.

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  • 749 FE

    Glenland sailors create the country of Helgaab

    The colony of Helgaab is established by sailors from Glenland.

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  • 789 FE

    Has Kimir forfeits territory to Coshaba
    Diplomatic action

    Has Kimir cedes territory to Coshaba to avoid a devastating war. A quarter of the population of Has Kimir is absorbed into Coshaba.

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  • 832 FE

    Refugees flee Octrea and found Rhydada

    Refugees from Octrea flee persecution by Queen Joyce Whitton, founding Rhydada.

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  • 839 FE

    Elven expansion
    Population Migration / Travel

    The Court announces land grants to settlers in Aidanea's remotest jungle.

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  • 862 FE

    Leathia is founded

    Long-simmering tensions over the corruption of the Sychkar Court by the thieves' guilds erupt in civil war, ending with the independence of Leathia.

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  • 869 FE

    Ghurkin' it up
    Military action

    When separatists rebel in Cullden, the orc nation of Ghurk backs them and annexes their province. Ghurk doubles its population.

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  • 882 FE

    Helgaab falls to Leathia

    Emna Duskboot helps the Queen of Leathia to invade Helgaab, conquer them, and seize their treasury -- in exchange for a small share of the plunder.

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  • 940 FE

    Religious persecution
    Religious event

    Glenland's Prime Minister Alchen Sot announces a ban on any public displays of religion.

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  • 946 FE

    Crosalt invades Linmere
    Military action

    Terrible casualties among both soldiers and civilians mar Crosalt's conquest of a Linmere province.

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  • 957 FE

    Flat earth society

    High Priest Ahuo nearly bankrupts Chaknazal to fund a great voyage around the world to prove that it is a sphere. The fleet sails off and is never seen again.

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  • 987 FE

    Has Kimir reclaims its land
    Military action

    Coshaba is conquered by Has Kimir.

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  • 1027 FE

    Gabardon formed from the betrayal of Wauthen

    Brynja Fernpick stumbles upon a conspiracy of several governors planning to secede from Wauthen. They invite her to join their plot, and when it succeeds, they grant him a governorship in Gabardon.

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  • 1034 FE

    Octrea's clergy overthrow the government

    The nation of Octrea becomes a holy state.

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  • 1036 FE

    Der falls to Cullden

    The orc nation of Der is conquered by Cullden.

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  • The War of Tears
    Balderab defeats Laghen
    Military action

    Balderab annexes part of Laghen after a horrifying battle, leaving the Laghenites freshly aware of the value of life.

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  • 1060 FE

    Leathia founds the colony of Avonchar

    Queen Ellen Crocker of Leathia founds an overseas colony, Avonchar.

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  • 1116 FE

    Crosalt 'liberates' a portion of Linmere
    Military action

    Crosalt "liberates the oppressed citizens" of a Linmere province.

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  • 1136 FE

    Nessarine founded

    Nessarine declares independence from Sychkar.

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  • 1151 FE

    11 Reaping

    Avonchar falls to Crosalt

    King Kenias Crocker of Crosalt conquers and annexes Avonchar.

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  • 1156 FE

    Nessarine invades Leathia
    Military action

    Nessarine invades Leathia and seizes control of a province in the Battle of the Pearly Tastes. A quarter of the population of Leathia is absorbed into Nessarine.

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  • 1166 FE

    Octrea's civil war creates Ormanre

    Years of strife over ruinous and unfair taxation culminate in a civil war in Octrea, leading to the founding of a new military state, Ormanre.

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  • 1175 FE

    Has Kimir's coastal collapse
    Geological / environmental event

    A massive landslide triggers a tsunami that wipes out many of Has Kimir's towns.

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  • 1186 FE

    Ezulinz founded

    Explorers from Tekogrip create the new plutarchy of Ezulinz.

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  • 1190 FE

    Zahadoh founded

    Settlers create the plutarchy of Zahadoh to escape persecution in Tekogrip.

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  • 1194 FE

    Vulfgang and Queen Harbottle of Leathia perish in battle
    Life, Death

    Vulfgang Holton is killed in battle alongside his wife, Queen Harbottle.

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  • 1195 FE

    King Peter of Leathia is crowned
    Life, Career

    King Peter Holton ascends to the throne of Leathia as a 7-year old.

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  • 1198 FE

    The Nessarine/Leathia war continues
    Military action

    Nessarine seizes more territory from Leathia.  Capitalizing on the instability caused by the death of the Queen, Nessarine strikes.

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  • 1198 FE

    Glorban divides its land and forms Eastry

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  • 1200 FE

    The murder of a legend
    Life, Death

    Edith Corbun, hero of Glenland, is poisoned at her own wedding.

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