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A History of the West

A complete history of the nations of the Western Continent.

  • Celeste Lunarios
    Aidanea, the first elven nation is founded

    Meadghbheid Beven founds the first elven kingdom

  • 13

    Beven avoids war
    Political event

    Meadghbheid Beven averts a war between Aidanea and its neighboring barbarian tribes.

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  • 147

    23 Reaping

    Burned at the stake
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    Young Ahxul-muyal's parents are convicted of performing evil magic and burned at the stake.

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  • 149

    13 Harvester

    Ahke consolidates power
    Religious event

    High Priest Ahke commissions a holy book that connects his lineage to that of the deities. He uses this fabrication to command thousands of scribes to copy it and distribute it all over Zacnabal, extolling his virtues and giving him incredible power.

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  • 157

    17 Sunsebb

    Ahke's betrayal

    Zacnabal - Ahxul-muyal exposes a secret agent who works for an enemy nation, the High Priest Ahke.

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  • 316

    23 Reaping

    A pirate's life for me
    Diplomatic action

    Has Kimir grants refuge to the nefarious pirate Bifvari the Haughty, who has been condemned to death by every seafaring nation in the world.

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  • 390

    9 Ready'reat

    Akhab ascends
    Life, Career

    Ahkab-colop is named the youngest Lizardling ever to command an army.

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  • 391

    22 Goodmonth

    Ahkab escapes!
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    Ahkab-colop survives a magical assassination attempt.

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  • 495

    8 Readying

    A gift fit for a queen
    Discovery, Exploration

    Svartabrander Wild discovers the long-lost tomb of Queen Grace Churmond's legendary ancestor.

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  • 530

    25 Harvester

    Are you going to finish that?
    Gathering / Conference

    Alfhild Ramsey is the only person to survive a poisoned feast.

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  • 583

    16 Reaping

    A season of giving
    Life, Wealth

    High Priestess Ixahin liquidates her family's wealth and gives an equal portion to every citizen of Zacnabal.

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  • 645

    3 Reaping

    Life, Publicity

    Brynleivur becomes the most revered actor in all of Has Kimir.

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  • 679

    14 Patchwall

    Brynleivur's next act
    Life, Career

    Brynleivur Stoutmaster leads a mercenary band, renown for bravery and success against long odds.

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  • 690

    25 Sunsebb

    Brynleivur's final performance
    Life, Death

    Brynleivur Stoutmaster dies while leading Has Kimir's forces to victory in the Battle of Byarngrimur's Tricksters.

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  • 817

    4 Reaping

    Cultural event

    Ahjol becomes renowned in Chaknazal for engineering the largest fireworks display ever seen.

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  • 878

    13 Harvester

    Build that wall
    Construction beginning/end

    The Court orders every coastal city to construct tall seawalls.

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  • 881

    3 Coldeven

    A friend in need
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    Emna Duskboot accidentally kills her closest friend and spends the rest of her life striving to atone for the deed.

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  • 908

    24 Wealsun

    Can I get that to go?
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    Queen Dorothy Walton flees a banquet after it becomes clear that the hosts intended to kill her.

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  • 943

    23 Flocktime

    Busting up the guilds

    Some of the most powerful guilds in Crosalt are disbanded by the Queen, as their influence had become threatening to her power.

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  • 947

    28 Fireseek

    A particular set of skills
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    Blathaone Rhond's family is killed when she is a child, and she swears vengeance.

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  • 1011

    12 Flocktime

    A long shot
    Technological achievement

    A Dwarven inventor designs a new recurve bow that is shorter below the grip than above, revolutionizing Dwarven cavalry.

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  • 1018

    4 Goodmonth

    A knight to remember
    Religious event

    King Arni Flintbuckle grants knighthood to hundreds of individuals, claiming that they were chosen by the gods for this honor.

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  • 1071

    4 Flocktime

    A bard unlike any other
    Artistic creation

    Ixkak rises to fame as the finest troubadour in the land.

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  • 1072

    15 Coldeven

    Bringing down the house
    Disaster / Destruction

    Ixkak accidentally causes a great temple to collapse.

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  • 1086

    28 Coldeven

    Ballad of Gemma Zoed
    Artistic creation

    Legendary corruption fighter Gemma Zoed is immortalized in an epic poem.

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  • 1088

    1 Harvester

    A daring ploy
    Military action

    Ixmiyatz becomes famous for a daring and unconventional military maneuver that saves the lives of many Lizardish soldiers.

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  • 1090

    11 Harvester

    Arnvor to the rescue
    Disaster / Destruction

    Arnvor rescues many from a wildfire ravaging the capital of Has Kimir.

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  • 1106

    26 Patchwall

    A hero is hatched
    Life, Birth

    Ixcab-coh is born with a prophetic birthmark marking her for greatness.

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  • 1143

    27 Patchwall

    Aidanea crushes the rebellion

    An army of nomadic herders, resisting centralized rule, is eventually defeated after years of guerrilla warfare.

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  • 1151

    11 Reaping

    Avonchar falls to Crosalt

    King Kenias Crocker of Crosalt conquers and annexes Avonchar.

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  • 1153

    28 Sunsebb

    Audfinnr's ignoble end
    Life, Death

    Audfinnr Trumbauer goes mad and dies homeless.

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  • 1164

    1 Patchwall

    ABCs of alcohol
    Cultural event

    Taldus Cuddon has a drink named in his honor, proudly served by every tavern and inn.

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  • 1165

    17 Planting

    A legendary lineage
    Discovery, Exploration

    Scholars unearth ancient documents that directly link Queen Emma Peck to Avelina Smallshoulder the Resplendent, a legendary figure in the history of the Humans.

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