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Crown Prince Henriech Goldwyrm

Crown Prince Henriech Golderwyrm (a.k.a. Prince Henry)

Crown Prince Henriech was the son of King Donald of the Eldrian empire, and his first son. An arrogant young man, demanding respect wherever he went and often taking people and luxeries for granted. He was respected out of his position alone, but generally rivialled by the public at large, especially in the Imperial Provinces where he'd often look down and bully the natives there. Heinrich was assassianted in 992, 3a in Palaidcyntaff, then the Province of Gwenydd. No direct culprit for his murder has been found, although there are numerous theories.  

Early Life

Heinrich was born in 969, 3a to the then Duke Donald Goldwyrm of Eastaxe and his second wife, Marina Burst. Heinrich was named after his maternal great-mother, the first in the Burst line of nobility and an infamous Tumbrian privateer. Heinrich was seen as an important asset by his father and kept largely within the ground of Execaster castle for his own safety. The young boy developed a fascination with swords, and was known to watch the tortuer's in the dungeons during interogations.   Heinrich began a martial and statecraft training from the age of 8 onwards., being sent to the courts of the King of East Marcia. Here he learnt swordsmanship, horseriding, and general statecraft from the nobility in Soliel. Heinrich was bethrothed to a minor princess of the East Marcian royal family, Joan de Roi. The two were married in the Cathedral of Saintly Light in Soliel. During the Usurpation crisis of 981, Heinrich and his wife were kept in Soliel for their own protection for most of the year, then were escorted to Eldron by East Marcian and Imperial knights to meet with his father again.    


  In Eldron, Heinrich was again kept secure in the royal palace. These restrictions on his movement were losening folloiwng the birth of his brother, Francis. This allowed Heinrich to began training in martial arts, and the teenager became a keen participant in tourneys. Heinrich began touring the empire, especially the provinces, with an entourage of courtiers, merchant's sons, and minor nobility to compete in tournaments. Heinrich's behaviour in the provinces was seen as abominable, often trashing inns and seriously maiming local civilian populations during drunken escapades.  His father's position and wealth meant neither he nor his companions faced any reprocussions for this behaviour.  

Crown Prince

In 988, Heinrich was officially appointed as Crown prince and heir presumptive in an extravagant ceremony in Eldron. Heinrich was granted the title Prince of Middleaxe, and given the Crown of Rivers as treasure. The following year, Heinrich's first child was born. Heinrich named the boy Donald after his father, and he was colloquially known as Donald the Younger.   In his official role as Crown Prince, Heinrich began to engage more in diplomacy and shows of military force around the empire. Often keeping rowdy nobles and provincial families under control. He also spent most of his summers in East Marcia with his wife's family, living a life of luxery in Soliel whilst common East Marcians starved.   in 991, Heinrich began another tour of the tournaments around the empire as a means of improving his father's popularity amongst the common folk following the Salian Isle Crisis earlier that year. He won the Briarton tourney, Execaster Tourney, the Northing Melee, the Knight's Duel of Elfengard, and rested for the winter on the Tumbrian coast with his mother's family.  


In 992, Heinrich continued his tour of the provinces. There was growing anti-imperial sentiment in Gwenydd, and Heinrich was sent there via the Keltishland as a show of force and in an attempt to win over the common folk through the Winter Court tourney in Palaidcyntaff. Hinerich was met at the Kynglan ferry crossing by elite kingsgard knights, and was told the High Chancellor of the empire would also be in Palaidcyntaff in an attempt to route out rebellions elements in western Gwenydd.   Heinrich arrived in Palaidcyntaff in late Auldlyne, and was kept largely in the Winter Palace barring one tour of the streets on horseback with heavy secruity. The city at the time was largely pro-imperial compared to other settlements in the province, however, the chancellor had concerns that the Winter Court Tournament would attract hostile and nationalist clansmen from across the province, and also the growing seperatist nobles in Tumbria and Cape County.   Much to everybody's surprise, Heinrich lost the Melee of the Winter Court tournee, finishing second to a freelance adventurer named Poptart, a Tabaxi traveller from Ombosu. Heinrich only narrowly beat the hedge knight Don de Sewer, a kobold. This let to growing ridicule amongst the nobility, and was generally seen as public relations disaster back in the imperial palace.   Around the same time, the chancellor had a plot revealled to him of the Clan O'Feardelain's attempt to assassinate him. The O'Feardelains were imprisioned and sent to the Palaidcyntaff Castle for torture and interogation. The evening before their execution, Heinrich was attending the dungeons to undertake the tortue himself, when he was assassinated by unkown advesaries. Heinrich was found the following morning by a guardsmen in the dungeons, alongside three other dead imperial knights.  


There are numerous theories around the assassination of Crown Prince Heinrich. Rumour amongst the early Commonwealth revolutions was that the famous revolutionaries Eldra Shatteraxe or Ovak the Righteous commited the assassination and escaped. In a similar vain, both Poptart and Don de Sewer have been suggested as potentional assassins based on their policital association with the Commonwealth movement.   A stranger theory involves the Drow city of Gazzarit. Uknown the nobility of Palaidcyntaff, there was an abaondoned teleportation circle in a hidden chamber within the castle that led to Gazzarit. It is believed the Gazzaritians were hired to descretly kill the Crown Prince and free the O'Feardelains. Suggetions randing from King Duan of Cape County, the adventurers mentioned previously, or even the Crown Prince's own wife have been suggested as potential financiers for this.  


Following the Crown Prince's assassination, his body was laid in gentle repose by Divinitist clerics and sent back to Eldron for burial. King Donald I reacted furiously to his son's murder, and began a persecution within the colonial possessions that would lead to the break out of the Commonwealth Revolt. This unfourtunately occured as Heinrich was being carried back to Eldron. His caravan was sacked, and it is beleived a lone monk hid his body and buried somewhere near Remisicaid in southern Gwenydd. His wife, Joan le Roi, remained in Eldron with Heinrich's only heir, Donald the Younger. Heinrich's son would eventually become king himself, and did errect a memorial to Heinrich in the Goldwyrm estate in Execaster.   Generally, Heinrich was seen as a cruel figure during his life. Although an excellent swordsman, his penchant for cruetly and arrogance made him unpopular in the regions in which he visited. It was only amongst Eldrian loyalists that his loss was seen as tragic   His wife, Joan le Roi, remained in Eldron with Heinrich's only heir, Donald the Younger. Heinrich's son would eventually become king himself, and did errect a memorial to Heinrich in the Goldwyrm estate in Execaster.   Generally, Heinrich was seen as a cruel figure during his life. Although an excellent swordsman, his penchant for cruetly and arrogance made him unpopular in the regions in which he visited. It was only amongst Eldrian loyalists that his loss was seen as tragic  


Heinrich's personal styling was as Crown Prince Heinrich Goldwyrm, Prince of Middleaxe. Upon coronation, it is assumed he would take the royal name of King Henry VII. His coat of arms was the golden drake of house Goldwyrm on a white field with golden fluer-de-lils. Two armoured knights flanked the sheild with greatswords and his motto was, "From Greatness, Glory."

Mental characteristics


Educated by the finest imperial tutors in the palace, he was trained in the sword by General Dresden of the Imperial Army, and given personal combat training by the Warrior's Guild.


Crown Prince Henriech Goldwyrm


Towards Joan Le Roi

Joan Le Roi


Towards Crown Prince Henriech Goldwyrm

King Donald I

Father (Vital)

Towards Crown Prince Henriech Goldwyrm



Crown Prince Henriech Goldwyrm

Son (Vital)

Towards King Donald I



Honorary & Occupational Titles
Title Dates Preceded by Suceceded by
Crown Prince of the Eldrian Empire (989-992) Tristan of Southaxe Donald the Younger
Duke of Middleaxe (989-992) David Neville Donald the Younger
969 992
Circumstances of Death
Joan Le Roi (spouse)
Dark Blue
Combed and waxed back dark blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned white


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