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Duchess Margaret Marolingian

Duchess Margaret Marolingian

Duchess Margaret Marolingian was the youngest daughter of Queen "Iron" Mary. She was the only child of Mary to never be monarch, and also had the shortest life of all of them. Margaret is known for her sensitivity and for being the mother of usurper Donald I. Barely regarded by common folk and known largely only to historians, Margaret is known as a tragic figure who's sensitivity enabled the men around her to take advantage of her kindness and position.  

Early Life

Margaret was born in 886, 3a in the Imperial Palace in Eldron. She was the youngest child of Queen Iron Mary and her husband, Tristan Easthorn, the Duke of Eastaxe. Maragaret's birth was trumatic, and nearly saw the death of both her and her mother. This led to a slow childhood development. Margaret could not speak until she was 2, and struggled to walk properly until she was 8. As a child, she was seen as absent minded, with imperial mage Rugar Vannergiem as,  
  "A curious babe, always staring at the clouds, flowers and trees. Her mind seems absent of the concerns of the world."
    From age 10, Margaret was educated in the palace by the imperial mage and multiple court tutors. She developed a strong relationship with her brothers Edward and Richard, and her mother was fond of her her, even if she was somewhat simple. Her edcuation saw her develop quickly, and she became incredibly erudite. As a teen, Margaret fell in love with Sir Martin Rose, a junior knight in the Royal guard. She desired to run away with him, and was devesated when he died in a battle with gnolls on the northern borders. Margaret withdrew and became a more recluslive child.  


  Margaret was betrothed by her mother to Trydin Goldwyrm. Queen Mary was aware of Trydin's ambitions, but had two male heirs with children of their own and didn't see him as the threat to her legitimacy as he would eventualy become. Mary beleived that by marrying Margaret to Trydin, it would give the lord a sense of appeasement and stave him from rebellion or conspiracy due to his royal lineage. Mary had done a similar move with her eldest son Edward, marrying him to the Von Ludwig heir and ending any talk of a Von Ludwig rebellion again. According to her diaries, Margaret was sceptical of the marriage at first, but upon meeting Trydin for the first time in the Cathedral of the God King before her marriage, she saw him as a handsome and attractive man. Unfortunately, to Trydin Margaret was just a tool. This did not sour her love for him, and no matter how cruel or callous he was she seemed to love him dearly. After marrying Trydin, Margaret was granted the title Duchess of Eastaxe.   Margaret gained control of Execaster castle, but spent most of her time in Taylock with her husband, vising Execaster only for the summer season with her ladies in waiting. Margaret found herself largely unable to have children, suffering 7 miscarraiges before in 919, her first son Donald was born. Margaret doted over Donald and spoilt him. After the birth of her second son, Victor, she apparently cried for a week when Donald was sent away to Eldron to be educated by Trydin.   Margaret's relationship with Victor was less close, but she loved him nonetheless. She wrote to her eldest son daily, much to her husband's annoyance.  


Although Trydin was an abusive and uncaring husband, for some reason Margaret loved him dearly. When he passed in 930 of a bowel disease, Margaret relied heavily on her son Donald. She fell into a depressive episode and withdrew from society, living alone in her castle in Execaster. Her children barely visited, and only her elder brother Richard ever wrote to her.   Margaret died in 934 of unknown causes. Following her wishes, she was buried in Taylock next to her husband.  


Duchess of Eastaxe: Her son, Donald.


Duchess Margaret Marolingian


Towards Trydin Goldwyrm

Trydin Goldwyrm


Towards Duchess Margaret Marolingian

986 934
Trydin Goldwyrm (spouse)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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