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Duchy of Altruscia

The Duchy of Altruscia is a key historical duchy in West Marcia. The region has been of historical importance to the Grazzian Giants, the Sun Elves, the Kingdom of Altruscia, and the Marcian empire. Founded in the late second age by the city state of Falzeno, the duchy is an economic powerhouse of the region. The birthplace of The Awakening, Altruscia continues to hold key cultural significance to this day.  


Map of Altruscia cover


The Duchy of Altrusica is a complex political anomoly in terms of its government. It walks a line between the traditional fuedalism of the nation's past, the republican vitures of its former sea republics, and the new administrative reforms the Awakening brought to the region. Technically classed as an absolutist monarchist state, the Duke of Altruscia holds supreme control over the country. Ruling alongside the duke is the Casa Altruscia, a collection of nobles and appointed administrators who gather once every month to disucss national interests. The Duke holds supreme executive power, and can summon or dismiss the Casa at his will, whilst the Casa holds limited legisliative functions.   Outside of Falzeno, where the Casa Altruscia and the Duke are based, the rest of the region has various levels of management. Those traditionally under the City State of Falzeno traditionally have feudal styled Count's and Baron's in charge but others have adopted republican ideals, appointing a Mayor and council in semi-democratic elections. When the Duchy of Altrusica was formed, it annexed the Free Sea Republics of Sieanna and Carello, including their outlying towns and villages.   The old Sea Republics had Doges who were elected every 10 years, alongside an oligarghical legislative chambers. The remanants of this system still remains in Sieanna, where the Doge still holds authority and is elected as based on the old system. In Carello, the Doge was diposed and the city given to a fuedally appointed Lord.


Altrusica, as with the entirity of Marcia, has a long and diverse history. It's current form can be traced to the middle Second Age, during the latter days of the Rexian Empire and their eventual fall.  

Mythic Age

During the Mythic Age, the region of Altruscia was an early site of Giant settlement. For much of the early Mythic Age, the region was rulled by the Kingdom of Grazz. Following their fall to the Ilithids, the region was pillaged and raided by the surrounding empires fighting them, and was the site of a massive naval invasion by the Krowethians. Following the Ilithid Invasion, the Krowethic Empire ruled over the region, importing human slaves from Albion. In the middle Mythic Age, the Sun Elves began to settle in the region, specifically around the Altruscian Pennaries. The region saw most of their Giant settlements destroyed, with little evidence of them remaining.  

First Age

The First Age saw the Sun Elves rule over the region. It was considered a county of the Sun Elf homeland, and there are records of Sun Elf cities existing in Marello, Falzeno, and Carello. During Soulthek's First War, the region was devestated, with only the most remote of Sun Elf settlements escaping. The Coastline found itself occupied by Kernowians, and its interior pillaged entirely.  

Second Age

The early second age saw the rise of the now extinct Altruscian culture. This culture evolved from the surviving early human inhabitents and those of the Kernowian invaders who worked to repel Soulthek's Horde. They led a largely tribal and nomadic lifestyle during the early Second Ages, and only started forming consistently inhabited settlements until the mid-second age. These cities were impressive, with their culture being heavily influenced by their worship of the Old God Arawn, with iconography of his worship found around the region in Altruscian ruins.   Following the collapse of the Rexian Empire, they stood out as a key power in the Marcian Region. As Rexian refugees founded new settlements and began worshipping the Goose Religion, Altruscia stood out as the last worshippers of the Old God in the Marcian Region. As Neapia rose to power, the two nations found themselves with an intense rivalry. The Altrusican Wars broke out between the Marcian Empire and Altruscia. The most notable ruler of this time was Altruscia's last, Hannar. The smear campaign organized by the Marcian empire following their invasion saw Hannar seen as a tyrant, and his works and monuments torn down.   The Marcian Empire period saw a gradual imperialisation of the region, as the worship of the Old Gods faded from memory, and their settlements were reorganized into that of the Marcian Style. For the rest of the empire's existence Altruscia was a key region of the Marcian province. It was a the centre of the wine industry, and its port cities were instrumental in internal and external trade.   The Fall of the Marcian Empire saw the region run by the Aedrinaran kingdom of Norvjold, and most of their old imperial cities were abandoned as smaller towns and villages were built. During the dark ages, the nordic culture lost its influence over the region over time, with only some elements of their occupation remaining in key settlements. Altruscia was dominated by a series of city-states, namely Falzeno, Marella, Carello, and Sienna. The latter two transitioned into mercantile Sea Cities who prioritised trade and commerce. Internally, Falzeno began to dominate and became the domianted city state, eventually founding the Duchy of Altruscia.  

Third Age

In Falzeno, the Great Awakening occured at the end of the second age. This saw Altruscia become the most important cultural and artistic hub in the western world. Altrusica was a centre of the arts and philosophy, with their key cities being transformed with new building styles, artistic and cultural buildings, and civil maintainance. This lasted for three hundred and fifty years until the disasterous Marcian Wars.   The Marcian Wars were disasterous for all the Marcian States, especially Altruscia, which found itself on the frontline in multiple phases of the war. Like all the Marcian kingdoms Altruscia was torn between the Seldrinar Supremacy and the Eldrian Empire. The war saw thousands of Altruscians die, and all artistic, cultural, and scientific progress stalled. The end of the Marcian Wars in 550, saw Altrusica a shadow of its former self. In steep decline for next 160 years as civil war, political infighting, mass corruption, and widespread crime and banditry.   This changed in 710, when a recovery period began under the di Boscini family, who previously held the title of Count of Falzeno. The family began a period of stabilisation, stripping historical landowners of their privilage gradually, and replacing them with friendly assets and allies. They took a hardline approach to banditry and piracy, and began a massive funding of their naval forces and even founded a national standing army to replace fuedal levies.   By the 820s, the Duchy was back to level of stability and cultural pionerring it saw before the advent of the Marcian Wars. It was however still stuch between the swaying influences of the Seldrian Supremacy and Eldrian Empire, with successive dukes during the ninth century swining between both for support. This saw a general stagnation until the 10th century, which was met with wars between them and their neighbours depending on who was supporting which superpower. It wasn't until 914 that the Altruscians declared nuetrality, and began to again focus on increasing their cultural prestige. The region has a present faction of Marcian Unionists, who want to unite all the Marcian States into one single nation.   In 992, Altruscia is strong and stable. It is an economic powerhouse in an otherwise stagnate region, and gradual reforms and artistic patronage in the 10th century has seen a resurragance in Awakening ideals. Those that live in Altruscia are largely free to do as they will, with a degree of class mobility not seen in other parts of the west. The duchy is a becon of hope in a region so damaged by the ravages of war and imperialism, and uses its long and varied history to attempt to move into the future with a new understanding of peace and prosperity.

Demography and Population

Racial breakdown

  • Human 70%
  • Halfling 10%
  • Dwarf 6%
  • Elf 4%
  • Goliath 4%
  • Other 6%
  • The region is majority human with most being of the West Marcian culture. There is a notable population of halflings, who live in a mixture of rural and urban climates. There is a small population of Goliaths and Dwarves, who inhabit the mountainous regions as miners. Those of elven descent are mostly Southern Elf refugees.   The population is largely divided between those living urbanly and rurally, with three main cities and several smaller towns. The interior is largely farmland and vineyards.


    The Duchy of Altruscia claims the territory of the ancient theme of Altruscia which existed during the Marcian Empire. This largely encompasses the main territory the previous Altruscian kingdom held, and as the imperial thematics decree,  
    "The theme of Altruscia, contained within the Province of Marcia Superior, willl hold all all land westwards of and including the Pennaries, with the land between the Rivers of Doe and Virgil being in the domain of the Themas."
    These borders were claimed as de jure Altruscian when Falzeno originally formed the new duchy in 2a, 2462, and remain de jure to this date. As the duchy has grown, they press to control lands further south of the River Virgil, mainly around the hills of Falzeno.


    The Duchy of Altruscia utilising a limited standing army which answers to the duke. There are four divisions of this army, two based in Falzeno, one in Carello, and one in Sieanna. Outside of this, the duchy still holds the ability to levy troops from their lands in a forced conscription. Whilst the old style of knights and nobles leading battles has long since died out, there are token knighthoods given to important military commanders.   The four main standing army divisions are:
  • The Pegasari
  • The Corona
  • The Mari
  • The Pizzari
  • Outside of these well armed and trained divisions, each city also holds its own town guard. The exception here is Falzeno, where the military also act as city watchmen.

    Technological Level

    Altrusica continues to be at the forefront of experimental technology and progress. Their army and defences will mix magical and scientific defences, often embuing mundane objects with magical properties to give them an edge. The population are generally well educated, and cities will be well connected and modern settlements at the peak of modernity.


    The state religion is the Goose God, and other religions are usually forbidden to be practiced, with only some being given permission by local rulers to errect temples. Worship of the Gnomeish pantheon and the Seldarine is allowed within Falzeno for example. Although generally being a progressive country, Altruscia still holds its religious piety important when it comes to the state.   In the times of the Altruscian Kingdom in second age, the majority worship was that of the Old Gods. Ruins of shrines and strone rings can still be found in the remote parts of Altruscia, but worship of this is expressly outlawed. There are some small cults who still gather at these shrines and practice the ancient religion of their ancestors.

    Foreign Relations

    In 992, the Duchy of Altruscia has generally friendly relations with its neighbours. It's neutral status on the Eldrian-Seldrinar rivalry means it attracts surrounding states regardless of their political leaning.  

    Goose States

    Having a long natural border with the Goose States along the River Doe means there is minimal border tension over their surrounding states. Likewise, the Doe Marsh makes areas close to the river on both sides of the border uninhabitable. The close relationship the Duke and the Bishop of Altruscia have with the High Goose Father also means political relationships are generally warm.  


    The Two nations have had notable rivalries with each other for their entire history. The two are constantly competing to the be political centre of West Marcia. The two countries have had multiple border conflicts and all out wars across their history. As of 992, the two have a frosty relationship, but generally have open trading relationships which benefit both duchies.  

    Knights of Gosca

    The Southern border of Altruscia is the most likely to cause a border conflcit. Although generally supporting the Knights of Gosca, the states have had unofficial border conflicts for the territory around Falzeno. During the Crusades, Falzeno willingly ceeded land near its capital to the crusader states, but as Falzeno grew and the relevance of the Knights decreased, small reclamations of territory occured, with Altruscia generally winning these conflcits.  

    Seldrinar Supremacy

    The Duchy continues to hold its neutral status with the supremacy, willing trading with the nation through the free ports, and welcoming Southern Elf tourists and business interests into their land. A general mistrust is still held between the governments, with Altruscians welcoming fleeing Seldrinar enemies of the state and helping resettle them in other parts of Marcia.  

    Eldrian Empire

    The relationship between the empire and Altrusica has soured since King Donald took control. Trade relationships are largely stable, however the Imperial government has occasionally imposed sanctions on them for theri trading links with the Supremacy. These embargos only minorly affect the Duchy, but tend to have massive effects on the imperial ports in Southaxe and Cape County, and are usually reveresed after a year. Altruscia distrusts the Imperial Government, and fears their destabalising effect will see a ressuragance of war in their homeland, and a return to the chaos of the Marcian Wars.

    Agriculture & Industry

    Falzeno has a diverse agricultural and industrial sector. It's key industry is around the cultural sector, with industries related to sculture and painting being incredibly lucrative and widespread. Stonemasons, miners, quarriers, and paint producers can be found across Altruscia's interior. Coastally, the main industries are around shipping, finance, and the import/export sector. The ports of Carello, Ceasa, Porto Alto, and Sienna all fulfil major roles within those respective industries.   Agriculturally, the primary agricultural produce of the region is wine. Altruscian wine is considered the finest in the west, with the best aged bottles selling for up to 1000 gold. Outside of this, the large inland of the region also grows wheat and rears cows, with beef being an important part of Altruscian cuisine. The towns and villages in the Altruscian Pennaries are known for their mushroom farming and their goat farms.

    Trade & Transport

    Altruscia's geographical positioning makes it a trade hub of multiple trade routes. The cities of Carello and Sieanna are key stops on the Marcian Gulf trade network, and the Seldros trade network. Ships and goods pass in and out of these ports so frequently, the town of Porto Alto is said to have more ships than people in it.   It has key road networks from these ports to its capital, and also into neighbouring countries who will also export and import goods, paying relevant taxation to use Altruscia's ports, making the government incredibly rich. These roads are based on ancient Marcian ones, and and are generally well maintained along the key routes. This does mean the smaller roads recieve less maintaince, and can increase travel time. All major settlements are connected by the Aurelian highway and the Punian highway to Falzeno, with the Aurelian highway leading back to Neapia in the Goose States.


    Altruscia follows the key principals of the Awakening. Education, Artistic Expression, Individualism. All schooling is free until the age of 12, with many cities having several schools, although this is not compulsary. Although cities such as Falzeno may be full of schools, with even further education schools being available for a fee, many smaller towns and villages will neglect to build one or simply not have the demand for one. Each school is largely indepdendent, with costs being covered from the local city government from taxation.   Although most Altruscians will have strong numeracy and literacy, only those rich enough to afford further schooling tend to excel. Since further education into adolesnece is not compulsary and paid for by the state, notable merchant and noble class children will find they find it easier to gain jobs and positiosn of government compared to their poorer classmates. Although some schools will offer scholarships or reduced fees, this does not negate the problem entirely.


    Altruscia is a well oiled centralised machine when it comes to infrastructure. Unlike its surrounding West Marcian neighbours, the highways are maintained, the inner cities will often have functioning plumbing and sewage, and ancient Marcian aqueducts continue to operate and even new sources of water diversion have been introduced.     Defencively, the Duchy has key forts and guard towers near their main bridge crossings with its neighbours, with these forts being staffed by units from one of their main standing armies. These forts are well constructed and hard to invade, and a complex network of messaging towers from these forts to the nearest settlement means word of an invasion or skirmish can get out fast.     Lighthouses are a common sight along the Altruscian coast. Large or small,  these ensure ships do not meet their fate in rocky cliffsides or sail off course. The mulitple ports found in the duchy also house the Altruscian Navy, which acts as a military defence and a civil coast guard.
    Founding Date
    (2a) 2464
    Geopolitical, Duchy
    Government System
    Monarchy, Absolute
    Power Structure
    Unitary state
    Economic System
    Mixed economy
    Major Exports
    Altruscia generally exports its wine, marble, and wheat. These make up the bulk of exports, and Altruscian marble can be found across the world, from Ravendawn to Dumuz. All major nations will come to Altruscia to trade, with vessls arriving from the far east of Prima Terra such as orcish ships from the Daggerstorm League and humans from the Sargonic Sultantes.
    Major Imports
    Altruscia tends to import ores via road and sea networks, especially from ports in the Eldrian Empire. It will also import foodstuffs not commonly found in the region, such as barely, oat, northern fruits and vegetables, southern fruits like the pineapple and bannana, and even the illusive coconut.
    Legislative Body
    The legislative body of the duchy is the Casa Altruscia, a largely oligarghical body that can propose laws and acts as a balance of power upon the Duke. The Casa is still largely monarchist leaning and rarely directly challenges the Duke. The body is a mixture of notable lords, counts, barons, mayors and guild leaders from a range of backgrounds. The Bishop of Altruscia sits as the speaker of the House, and also holds a place in the executive council.
    Judicial Body
    The judicial body is centralised with the Duke being the highest form of judicial authority. He will often delegate the task of appointing judges to the three constituent judicial regions. Those regions are Carello, Falzeno, and Seianna. If an appeal is launched against a specific ruling, the judge will apoint it upwards to the constituent regional judge, and if another appeal is launched it goes to the Duke for consideration.
    Official State Religion
    Neighboring Nations
    Related Ethnicities

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