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Goose God

The High Religion of the Goose God is a monotheistic religion primarily followed in Prima Terra, found most common amongst the human population. Its origins in the Heart of the Continent and its spread into the North-Western human kingdoms has played an important role on the civilisations of Prima Terra since its birth. Acting as the primary religion of most humans, it causes a divide between them and the other races.   The religion is largely peaceful, however it has been used as a reason for inquisitions and crusades across the ages. Not as long lived as the ancient pantheons or those of the Elves and Dwarves, its early-form was just as important to early central human tribes as the Elven gods were to them. As the most important religious entity of the west in the third age, its influence on politics and everyday human living in the Eldrian Empire and beyond makes it a key geopolitical force in the world today.   There key tenents revolve around the a belief in the All Powerful Goose God, a celestial creature that lives high above the material plane in the Lake of Eternity, where the most devout souls go to when they die. This Creature is largely considered nuetral, and has remained out of the affairs of the planes below it for all eternity. It is beleived that every essence of creation came from the creature, and the lesser gods used those energies to scult the world and the races.   Their religion can be divided into two main areas; The Age of Prophets and the Age of Saints. In the second age, the Goosling manifested on the world, believed to be a divine aspect of the goose he spread new tenents of peace and co-existence, ultimately calling for all races to band together and vanquish evil, but he was executed by the Marcian Empire for refusing to acknowledge the divinity of their emperor.


The Church of the Goose is organised along fuedal lines, a policy first taken during the Marcian empire then expande during the Western dark ages. Initally, the religion was structured around indepdendent preists who followed the doctrine of High Fathers in their holy cities of Goscantinople and Atheric. Since the collapse of the Rexian empire, the High Father was installed in the Grand Basillica in the city of Neapia.   The Goosefather is the leader of the religion, and is deputised by the College of Cardinals, all of whom are key bishops from each of the main regions that follow the religion.Those regions are Albion, Tumbria, East Marcia, West Marcia, and the Western Kingdoms.   Beneath the cardinals are the bishops of specific dioceses which vary depdenent on region, and beneath those are the Goose Fathers and Mothers, the standard clerics of the faith.   In addition to this are the various monastries and nunneries, which have various doctrines around their role. The three main doctrines are: Frascians: Beleive in aiding their communities and living a humble life Moscadi: Believe in utilising their holy powers to fight for their faith Benedicta: Believe in quiet contemplation   Within these various groups each monastry may follow a specific sub-doctrine of their monastry founder, but all tend to belong to one of these over arching traditions.

Public Agenda

The Church is focsued on education and pacifism. Seeking to save the souls of all mortal creatures, and spread the tenents of peace and coexistence. The higher authorities in the church have been known to use their power and influence for personal gain, and it can be noted the organization's actions are sometimes far removed from their tenents.


They have several key religious buildings and monastries across the human kingdoms, most notably the Grand Basillica, the Cathedral of Middleaxe, and St Wayne's Cathedral.   They have a secretive order of Inquisitors who are known to vanquish demons and devils, but generally remain hidden from the public until they are needed and are viewed with much suspicion.


The Goose Religion had several key stages in its history, ranging from its early form in the mythic-first ages, its first organized structure in the early second age, and its modern structure which originiated within the Marcian Empire.   The Faith was first founded in the early days of the Mythic Age by nomadic humans in the Heart of the World, who generally lived peaceful lives. This early culture made several idols of the Goose, which are beleived to be embedded with divine power. Some of these idols still exist, and can be found in key monasteries and cathedrals.   The faith had a small following amongst the human population during the First Age, living generally in small communities within the Sun Elf kingdoms before the First Soulthek War saw their growth halted yet again. This was around the Age of Prophets, and this led to the founding of the holy cities of Atheric and Goscantinople, which saw its incarnation as an organized religion. The Human dominated Rexian Empire largely followed this religion until the Empire's collapse and the destruction of their holy cities sent their followers fleeing westwards.   The Second incarnation of the religion occured during the Marcian Empire. The High-Father was utilised as an instrument of the state, and lived a life of luxery, and their clerics were largely used as crusading forces into surrounding states. This ended with the arrival of the Goosling, a divine aspect of the God, who began to reform the church before being executed. His impact saw a massive reformation take place, and the religion transitioned back into its more peaceful incarnatino during the final centuries of the Marcian Empire.   Following the collapse of the Marcian Empire, the religion kept its foothold in many of its former territories and was the last remaining institution of the fallen empire. The collapse of the Marcian civilization saw many turn to the religion as the world grew darker aroung them. This saw the church increase in power and influence, which only expanded when the Goose States were formed.   Several crusades into the Southern Seldrinar Supremacy occured during the late Second Age and Early Third Age, seeing the formation of the Crusader Kingdom of Gosca, led by an order of divine paladins.   In the modern day, the church still holds a large influence over the general population, but as nations continue to advance and centralise, the church sees its once strong control over kings and paupers alike being to wain.
Founding Date
2a, 450
Religious, Organised Religion
Alternative Names
Permeated Organizations


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