Session 0: The Circle and The Spectral Professor Report

General Summary

The villain Iconoclast, along with a large group of armed followers, stage an attack on the Columbia University campus' computer research labs. She is very vocal about how the United States government is conducting research on metahumans on university grounds and that her and her followers are there to shut it down. While her followers are armed, they take care to focus their aggression and destruction to university property and not the students and faculty.   Darkhawk, Plastiq, Archer of Avalon, Zoetrope, Angel of Decay, Shrike and Ghostface are all nearby and band together to quell the attack. During the battle, Iconoclast tries to recruit the heroes to her side pointing out that the research may have consequences for them. The computer lab is damaged and Iconoclast rushes into the building to find what it is that the government and the university are up to. Inside, she takes Dean Warner hostage.   The heroes neutralized the followers and went after Iconoclast. Inside, they face a standoff and Iconoclast tells the heroes that the government has been collecting data on metahumans to create a "contingency response" on how to neutralize superheroes should the circumstances require. The heroes scan the database and find that they are all in the system. The Dean sees the real names for some of the superheroes (Darkhawk, Zoetrope, Archer and Shrike). They also discover that the government was spying specifically on Angel. The heroes destroy the database and Iconoclast escapes, leaving the Dean unharmed. Dean Warner is afraid that the government will find out that the heroes know about the research so they enter an agreement that he will keep their secret identities and that they will report that the computers were destroyed in the fight.   Captain America III arrives shortly after the fight and states how impressed she was with the young heroes' actions.   Some days later, Hope gets a call from her grandfather to ask her to gather her new acquaintances to meet at the Circle. Hope first goes to the secret mystical training location first to be sure everything is all right. There the Avenger known as the Scarlet Witch (Wanda Maximoff) has been requested to help train the young heroes. The heroes soon arrive and the learning begins.   After the days lesson, Wanda asks the heroes if they can look into reports of a "spectral professor" that had been spotted by students and others in the park near campus. While no one was hurt in the encounters, one student was caught in "ectoplasmic tentacles" but was released unharmed.   The heroes agree to look into it.

Character(s) interacted with

  • Iconoclast
  • Dean Warner
  • Captain America III
  • Captain America I
  • Scarlet Witch


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