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Arrival of Kadmiel

In the beginning there was only chaos as dragons ruled the land. They took what they desired, be it treasure, livestock or people. Most wicked and powerful among them was Magrene the Red an ancient red dragon of epic proportions who hoarded his wealth in secret, so different from his prideful kin. To this land came Kadmiel and his companions, borne upon the same wind that stirred rumors of the death of a far flung empire. Atarah captained the ship that brought Eleazar to our shores, and a good thing that was as winds were of a storm so powerful that no other but her would have been able to guide the ship to shore. Not that the Verbane, the ship with the nine sails made it to a safe harbor. No Atarah beached her on the smallest sand beach ringed by serrated basalt rocks. She stoppered the river we now know as Philemons reach with the bulk of the Verbane, like you or I would cork a bottle.

The first over the side was Abiel, no terrain was foreign to the senses of the Huntress and so it was that she found a hollow in the cliffs. Next came Dhussin who stood still as stone as wind and water raged around him, he cast his spells of shapes and making enveloping the Verbane in a reddish glow. So it was that the ship shifted and changed to form a caravan of wagons, laden with the relics and supplies they had brought from a dying land. As the ship disappeared the crew did not drown, for they were already dead.

Sheloh stood on a wagon and waved his hands like a director managing an orchestra full of musicians. Behold, the dead stood and walked towards the wagons to push them high towards the hollow Abiel had seen. Now firelight could be seen as people came down the cliffs to salvage what they willed from the stranded ship. Elora went to them spoke to them and enthralled them to her will, her beauty was so great the fishermen thought her to be a goddess descended from the heavens. Further the wagon train went , until horsed grim faced men blocked the road, the Baron had come that lorded over these lands by will of the local dragon. So came Jezreel to them all magicked up in regal clothes and told them to move, but the Baron knew he was the power here and denied Lockwil.

Thus now did Jezreel look upon the their sigils conjure did he a dragon of shadows and nightmares, whose breath paved the way in blood red flame. With dreadful cry did they die, the lord and all his horsed men. Close to the hollow they were now, but wolven howls rent the night as a pack large and fierce surrounded the column of refugees. Forward strode Zilpah, clad in only ragged hides, his cry changed both him and the wolves. A bear now towered big and black over a pack of pale and pinkish rats, a simple roar it took to send them to send them back into their damp and dreary nook. Finally the cave was reached, far above the rain and windswept beach. A last hurdle lay before, unholy beings stooped there, gnawing on bones of men and beast alike. Gilead trod forth now and smote them with radiant steel in hand.

As all gathered inside the space the monster of the cave returned with death written on its face. A giant griffon dove for the entrance but found there Kadmiel who did take his stand, tooth and nail they fought but Eleazar proved triumphant. In his victory he found forgiveness and let the griffon live if he but swear him fealty. So did Bright Beak find noble purpose and thereafter only ever did he feast on the enemies of Eleazar.


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