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The Primordial Age

100000 30000

The Primordial Age is a vast period stretching from the beginning of things to humankind's first appearance. While humans did not yet exist, the Earth was not empty; ancient prehuman races held sway. Stories of their wars and triumphs are lost in time, with only a few cryptic ruins or crumbling scrolls left to record them. No one knows for sure who or what might have lived upon the Earth in these distant years. Toward the end of this time, Thule was dominated by prehuman empires: the serpent-people and the rakshasas.

  • 35000

    -35000 Serpentman empire of Nessk conquers eastern Thule.
    Era beginning/end

  • 30000

    -30000 The first humans appear and begin to migrate outward
    Era beginning/end

Age of Dawn

30000 2955

The Age of Dawn marked the coming of humanity. It is difficult to give a precise beginning to this age since no one knows how long primitive men roamed the African plains before wandering out to the rest of the world; it may have been anywhere between 50,000 and 10,000 years before the current age of Thule. Humans were savages, without writing or metal or numbers, but they were a young and vigorous race. Serpent-people and rakshasas regarded the new arrivals as mere pests or cattle. But the elder races were in decline, and humans thrived.

  • 30000

    -30000 The first humans appear and begin to migrate outward
    Era beginning/end

  • 8800

    –8800 AR Primitive humans arrive on Thule’s shores.
    Population Migration / Travel

  • 7500

    –7500 AR Guardian menhirs erected around Thule by a secret druid order.
    Cultural event

  • 4200

    First Dhari tribes begin settling southern Thule. They eventually move westward into Dhar Mesh and Nar.
    Population Migration / Travel

  • 2955

    -2955 AR Elves arrive in Thule through world gates.
    Population Migration / Travel

Age of Myth

2955 0

The the elves arrive on Thule. The proud and warlike people,came to Thule from their dying Red Planet, fleeing through dimensional portals to escape.  Armed with learning and magic equal to those of the serpentmen and the rakshasas, the elves carved out kingdoms of their own. Many human tribes swore fealty to elven rulers, serving as warriors in elven armies battling against the remaining serpent kingdoms and rakshasa realms.

  • 2955

    -2955 AR Elves arrive in Thule through world gates.
    Population Migration / Travel

  • 2700


    –2700 AR War breaks out between the elven realms of Imystrahl and Sersidyen and the serpentman empire of Nessk. Intermittent wars continue for centuries.
    Military action

  • 1950

    –1950 AR Rakshasas of Jhi Anool gate in a demon horde to destroy the elven realm of Mesildyar in northern Thule.
    Disaster / Destruction

  • 1420

    –1420 AR Elven legions, reinforced by the warriors of their subject human tribes, drive the rakshasas from Thule. The rakshasas retreat to Hellumar.
    Population Migration / Travel

  • 1124

    –1124 AR Imystrahl’s legions besiege and raze the Nesskian fortress of Bhnaal Pruth at the mouth of the River Quosa.
    Military action

  • 655

    –655 AR A foul orange rain falls over the Inner Sea; the alien being known as Dhuoth takes root in a remote valley and begins to grow.
    Geological / environmental event

  • 500

    –500 AR The Kalay tribes begin their settling of Thule.
    Population Migration / Travel

  • 240

    –240 AR The barbarian chief Jal Dror founds the city of Quodeth.
    Construction beginning/end

Age of Atlantis

0 1906

The warlord Evenor unites Atlantis and establishes his capital, creating the Empire of Atlantis.   The founding of Atlantis, the first and greatest human empire, 2200 years ago marked the turn of a new age. The Age of Atlantis saw humankind equal and then surpass the learning of the older races; armed with powerful sorcery and advanced science, the Atlanteans created many great wonders and brought a vast portion of the world under their sway.  Several of Thule’s great cities—Katagia, Orech, and Marg, had their beginnings as colonies. Later, as the empire’s power grew, the Atlanteans turned to conquest and subjugated lesser cities such as Quodeth and Droum. Atlantean lords ruled much of Thule for a dozen centuries or more...but at the height of its power, Atlantis was laid low by a terrible cataclysm. The cause of this disaster is not known. Whatever the reason, most of the island-continent of Atlantis sank beneath the waves 300 years ago.

  • 16

    16 AR Quodeth’s armies defeat the elven kingdom of Sersidyen.
    Military action

  • 99

    99 AR The cities of Quodeth and Hurhun combine forces to destroy the troglodyte kingdom of Vhaug.
    Military action

  • 307

    307 AR An Atlantean fleet raids Imystrahl, causing great damage.
    Military action

  • 429

    429 AR Dwarves arrive in Thule, migrating from the eastern continent.
    Population Migration / Travel

  • 495

    495 AR Atlanteans found the colony of Katagia.
    Construction beginning/end

  • 616

    616 AR The Atlantean colony of Orech is established on Thule’s northern shores.
    Construction beginning/end

  • 833

    833 AR Dwarven city of Kal-Zinan is founded in the Zinandar Mountains.
    Construction beginning/end

  • 1114

    1114 AR Vanadar, the Crimson Prince, fails to seize the Atlantean Throne. He is exiled to Thule and founds the city of Marg.
    Construction beginning/end

  • 1178

    1178 AR Vanadar, King of Marg, sacks the elven city of Imystrahl.
    Military action

  • 1215

    1215 AR Ghedrar the Necromancer rises to power in Ikath and builds an army of mummy warriors, seizing much of central Thule for his kingdom.
    Political event

  • 1451

    1451 AR Atlantean legions conquer Quodeth, adding the city to their empire.
    Military action

  • 1511

    1511 AR Dwarven schism leads to civil war and the ruin of Kal-Zinan. The victorious clans vow to rebuild, and the losing clans are exiled.
    Population Migration / Travel

  • 1673

    1673 AR Atlantean general Nemruth leads a fleet across the Inner Sea to attack Ikath. He defeats the undead armies of Ghedrar the Necromancer and withdraws after installing a puppet king. Ghedrar’s body is never found.
    Military action

  • 1744

    1744 AR The Yellow Priests assume power in Orech after a plague of madness ravages the city.
    Disaster / Destruction

  • 1817

    1817 AR War breaks out between Atlantis and Lemuria. Most of the fighting takes place in northern Africa.
    Military action

  • 1906


    1906 AR Atlantis is destroyed and sinks beneath the waves.
    Disaster / Destruction

Age of Ice / Age of Man

1980 and beyond

Some sages refer to the current era as the Age of Man, while others —taking note of the glaciers devouring the northern world—refer to it as the Age of Ice.     The old races are waning quickly; the serpentfolk and rakshasa empires are long dead. The elves are sliding into decadence and decline, and the few remaining outposts of Atlantis are losing their power and influence over the younger city-states of Thule. Mercantile Quodeth and martial Lomar are the great powers of the northern continent now, even if they wield only a tiny fraction of Atlantis's power once possessed.

  • 1980

    Invaders from across the sea, a lost tribe of Lemuria, found the city of Lomar.
    Population Migration / Travel

  • 2011

    Kal Keor the Terrible becomes chief of the Jandar tribes, and crushes Thran.
    Military action

  • 2016

    The Jandar horde defeats Droum. Kal Keor names himself King of Droum.
    Military action

  • 2022

    The Jandar hordes attack Quodeth and are repelled.
    Military action

  • 2035

    Kal Keor is assassinated by sorcery; the Jandar hordes disperse, and Kal Keor’s empire crumbles.
    Life, Death

  • 2040

    Bayod Naz, the Black Wizard, reveals the existence of the Black Circle and seizes power in Thran.
    Political event

  • 2087

    Lomar defeats the city of Hurhun in a sudden war. Hurhun is sacked, its people scattered, its walls pulled down, and its fields salted.
    Military action

  • 2096

    The glacier Kang overruns the small realm of Lendosk in a single winter.
    Geological / environmental event

  • 2104

    Beothoe, capital city of Nimoth, is engulfed by glaciers.
    Geological / environmental event

  • 2112

    Wandering tribes driven from Nimoth found the city of Nim on Thule’s northern coast.
    Population Migration / Travel

  • 2155

    Legions of Lomar defeat Droum’s army. Droum sues for peace and is forced to pay a ruinous tribute.
    Military action

  • 2168

    Princess Jara Boh is exiled from Lomar. She founds the city of Rime in an abandoned stronghold of Lendosk.
    Political event

  • 2183

    Cult of Great Cthulhu spreads widely and grows dangerously influential as star alignments bring a season of dark dreams and whispers of doom.
    Cultural event

  • 2209

    Deyane Hazeda becomes Quodeth’s queen at age 15. Grand Vizier Ibland Posk rules as the power behind the throne.
    Life, Career

  • 2213


    Aeridnis Vorzin, Mistress of the Tower of Black Flame
    Life, Career

    Aeridnis Vorzin (with the help of some dhari barbarians) takes ownership of the Tower of Black Flame.

    More reading
    The Spice Merchants Daughter
  • 2213


    The Hunt for Kal-Ne-Moz (Cavern of Golden Tears)

    Adventurers led by Aeridnis Vorzin search for the Lost Scrolls of Moz in the jungles of the Ghan Peninsula.

    More reading
    The Hunt of Kal-Ne-Moz
  • 2213

    17 /7

    29 /7

    Its a dirty job but someone's gotta do it.
  • 2213

    29 /7

    Vorstag joins the Seven Knives
    Life, Career
  • 2213


    The Watchers of Meng

    Adventurers from Quodeth discover lost ruins of Meng in the Jungle of Zaal

    More reading
    The Watchers of Meng
  • 2213

    10 /8

    11 /8

    Scent of Jasmine

    A diabolical Cthulhu cult is exposed in Quodeth

    More reading
    Scent of Jasmine
  • 2213

    11 /8

    Door of Varg-Sharsuni
    Discovery, Exploration

  • 2213

    27 /8

    Festival of Kishar
    Cultural event

    Sinister yellow snow falls on Quodeth for the first time in living memory.

  • 2213


    Voor Darayn

    Adventurers from Quodeth explore Voor Darayn recovering the legendary Spear of Asura.

    More reading
    Voor Darayn
  • 2213

    28 /11

    Secret of the Moon Door
    Discovery, Exploration

    Tyarna Vorzin is kidnapped by from the Onther Tower by moon beasts.

  • 2214

    2 /1

    Grand Vizier of Quodeth Ibland Posk's death
    Life, Death

    A mysterious illness is the end of the old Grand Vizier.

  • 2214

    1 /2

    Dredan Taroth becomes the new Grand Vizier of Quodeth.
    Life, Career
  • 2214

    1 /2

    Secret of the Moon Door

    Mistress of Histories Tyarna Vorzin returns to Quodeth following her rescue from the from Isle of Screams on the Moon. From time to time Finnris enjoys reminding Tyarna he's been to the moon and back for her.

    More reading
    Secret of the Moon Door
  • 2214

    18 /2

    The Golden Ghost

    On an expedition to the Kal-Zinan the crew of the Autumn Moon encounters the Golden Ghost.

    More reading
    The Golden Ghost
  • 2214

    25 /2

    Embassy from Quodeth arrives in Kal-Zinan

    Embassy from Quodeth arrives in Kal-Zinan

    More reading
    Kal-Zinan (new friends)
  • 2214

    21 /3


    Bruneval and his draugr reavers terrorize Quodeth
    Military action

    Captian Bruneval's Draugr terrorize Quodeth from a ghostberg.

    More reading
    Return of the Golden Ghost
  • 2214


    Rescue mission to Marg
    Criminal Activity

    Ironmaster Bron of Kal Zinan & Leafstag of the White Griffin Clan are rescued from bondage.

    More reading
    Red Chains of Marg
  • 2214

    20 /5

    The Golden Chalice of Lorthu’un
    Discovery, Exploration

    Heroes from Quodeth resuce Aybrel Arn from Cultist in the ccatacombs beneath Kal-Zinan.

  • 2214

    3 /7

    Ruins of Hurhun

    Aeshma, Finnris, Zerda & Vorstag and the dwarven expeditionary force make camp in the ruins of Hurhun with their new friend Amos.

    More reading
    The Ruins of Hurhun
  • 2214

    14 /7

    25 /7

    Battle for Isle of Woe
    Military action

    Allied forces of Quodeth & Kal-Zinan sack the infamous Margish slaver camp on the Isle of Woe

    Isle of Woe
    More reading
    Battle for the Isle of Woe
  • 2214


    The Tower of Golden Scales
    Discovery, Exploration

    Adventurers from Quodeth recover the Eye of Azura from the Tower of Golden Scales deep in the Bura Jungle.

  • 2214

    16 /11

    Ozric's Tentacles

    Adventurers from Three Towers encounter the Kraken Ozric off the Ryliri coast.

    More reading
    Emperor of the Waves
  • 2214

    11 /12

    Beyond the Veil
    Discovery, Exploration

    Adventurers from Three Towers discover Khaldoom Zool's plans to conquer the region in the catacombs beneath Nergal's Monastery at Veilshard.

  • 2214

    27 /12

    The Mudrak

    Taendertyg & Yar discover the prophet Khaldoom Zool has put a bounty on their heads.

    Kurmanur Wilds
    More reading
    Hurn's Trail
  • 2215

    1 /1

    Queen Deyanne of Quodeth marries Prince Consort Zérda Saväschu

    Quodeth, the Royal Wedding kicks off an extravagant week of celebration at the Festival of Ishtar.

  • 2215

    1 /1

    Night of the Shadows
    Criminal Activity

    In a bloody raid pirates & Sea Devils loot Three Towers and desecrate the Temple.

    Three Towers
  • 2215

    6 /1

    Ozric's Tentacles

    Adventurers from Three Towers raid a sea devil base in the flooded ruins of Hurth Nessk to discover they are the minions of Ozric the kraken

    Hurth Nessk
    More reading
    Ozric's & The Sea Devils
  • 2215

    15 /1

    The Iron Mage
    Population Migration / Travel

    Hiro leads his clan to the Isle of Bones, where they make the Island of the Iron Mage the clans new home.

    More reading
    The Iron Mage
  • 2215


    Adventurers from Oakhurst explore the ruins of the Sunless Citadel
    Discovery, Exploration

    Introducing Alibongus, Banner, Peren and Snout. Adventurers from Oakhurst, who explore the ancient ruins; expel a tribe of beastmen become, defeat the exiled Black Circle enchanter Belak, destroy the Gulthas Tree and discover a strange metallic contraption Alibongus believes to be a teleportation gate constructed by the necromancer Skelos thousands of years ago.

  • 2215

    1 /2

    Tomb of the Golden Pharoah

    Adventurers from Three Towers explore the tomb of the Golden Pharaoh.

    More reading
    Golden Pharaoh
  • 2215

    1 /2

    Fall of Taarbo
    Disaster / Destruction

    Taarbo falls to Lokra's Legion - Chief Amarla's head adorns a spike above the main gate.

  • 2215

    3 /2

    Siege of Banutre
    Military action

    Giants and beastmen lay siege to Banutre.

  • 2215

    10 /2

    14 /2

    Monster Hunt
    Criminal Activity

    Adventurers from Oakhurst track down and slay a monster that has been terrorizing the village.

    More reading
    Monster Hunt
  • 2215

    10 /2

    Fall of Banutre
    Disaster / Destruction

    Banutre falls, a cunning Reaver band disguised as the defenders allies infiltrate the Fortress and open the gates to Lokra's legion.  Much blood is shed and by morning the survivors are marched off in chains.

  • 2215

    20 /2

    Are we there Yeti?
    Discovery, Exploration

    Alibongus, Banner, Peren, Ruprecht & Snout use the Skelos Gate in the Sunless Citadel. A strange demonic looking creature attacks Ruprecht in mid transit, he is never to be seen again. The surviving quartet materialise in frozen ruins high on the Serex Glacier, and are almost killed by Yeti's.   Return to Oakhurst: Commission Teddy the Tailor to make cloaks from Yeti pelts Party agree's to take the Giant message to Chief Argul & a package from Huc to his daughter Belanthe in Pyriador

    More reading
    Caves of Skelos
  • 2215

    24 /2

    Jet Li Does it!

    Banner, Peren & Snout take on three beastmen on a dodgy bridge foiling the ambush and routing the ambushers! Meet Athya. Camp with a strong patrol from Pyriador that includes Geeta Fix. Some PC's see luminescent eyes watching from the forest in the deep night.

  • 2215

    26 /2


    Oakhurst party arrives in Pyriador.  The Chief  (Argul) is in the hills with many of the warriors looking for refugees from the neighbouring villages.  His daughter Belanthe is in command.   Belanthe, impressed, asks the adventurers to pick up a weapon shipment from Three Towers and return to her in Pyriador. The rendezvous is to take place on the night of the Flower Moon (7/3/2215) in the Shades Tavern.  She gives the party a token to identify them as her agents.   Later that evening Belanthe has the captured witch burnt alive in a wicker man ceremony dedicating the sacrifice to the adventures; the folk of Pyriador rejoice. Belanthe proclaims that she will double the bounty on live beastmen and giant captives for the wicker man to rapturous applause. During the festivities, a herder recommends asking the fisherman of Three Towers about the Blighted Swamp; she's heard a rumour they once found a golden goblet in a crab pot.

    More reading
    Belanthe Longrunner
  • 2215

    29 /2

    7 /3

    Arms Smugglers

    28.2.2215 Leave Pyridaor for Three Towers to pick up Belanthe's weapon shipment

    • Ambushed by gnoll pack in the Howlers
    • Ghastly camping experience at hidden elven Shrine
    29.2.2215 Arrive in Three Towers, contact Hard Tom at the Shades, spend the night at the Shades. Hard Tom gives you a large room to use while you wait for Belanthe's shipment. He urges you to keep quiet about it - thieves are everywhere.   30.2.2215 Dawn - Alibongus window-shops Haughty Powers. Breakfast - Audience with the charming Raenara (Aubrek's away on business). Raenara confirms the gate legionary's story; Mage-Smith Hiro and his clan left Three Towers several months ago. She doesn't know where.   1.3.2215 Morning Crabber Dreen ferry's you to the abandoned village in the Blighted Swamp. She will return morning on the 3rd. Investigate village, defeat hydra, find the concealed entrance to the Crypt of Hassan the Cloudwalker.   2.3.2215
    • Peren finds fresh humanoid tracks at the entrance of the crypt.
    • Party enters the Crypt discovering a magical darkness tinged with green that light and dark vision can not penetrate
    • Return to the abandoned village for a short rest (1) and collect extra torches
    • After lunch explore the western portion of Crypt of Green Shadows looting Hassan Cloudwalkers trapped tomb and discover a serpent champion corpse riddled with maggots, strange 7' long worm's, a funeral pyre for 3, ditch full of blood, fight a dozen superbly preserved zombies and encounter Boa, Priestess of Set. (1300hrs).
    • Fight Wormhearted Scumbag Cultists and minions across the Pit of Undying Flame & Tymande's crypt. Tymande's ghost asks you to seek out Krythias and a way to cleanse the crypt of the cultists corruption. Loot Tymande's crypt and take 2nd and final short rest, Albongus identifies magic items (1500).
    • Encounter and discuss reversing the corruption with Kyrthias, set the perfectly preserved corpses of the heroes alight on the pyre, clear the corruption, leave and seal the crypt with a powerful shatter spell.
    • Camp for the night in the abandoned village
    • Crabber Dreen ferry's you back to Three Towers with out incident
    • 10PM Pit Fight Snout v Sea Devil Champion at the Shades
    • Proposition retrieve 'Histories of the Green Blade, and other ensorcelled gear' from the Inner Catacombs while the temple staff party and The Boss will give you Hiro's location
    4.3.2215 Collect Belanthe's shipment and leave after lunch   5.3.2215
    • early evening Ambush Beastman warparty
    • RV with Belanthe, deliver the shipment, enjoy a long rest.
    • Leave secret forest 9AM
    • Ambushed by Beastmen hunters on a mile from the old bridge. Flee into blighted swamp to avoid contact from the army of beastmen, giants and reavers camped at the old bridge.
    • Contact Crabber Dreen for pick up from swamp village with sending magic
    7.3.2215 Crabber Dreen abandoned village pick early morning, Fish Gate drop off evening (she fished all day). The scallywags in the Shades all tease you about being smelly.

  • 2215

    8 /3

    18 /3



    Alibongus 1 week scribing new spells + 1 week with Ba'Zeel seeking a magical rod
    Athya 1 day scribing new ritual spells. That night a strange animal arrives during a violent squall.
    Banner 2 weeks in 'The Bosses' dungeon lad (torture chamber) brewing potions
    Peren 1 week's indoctrination into The Cult of the Great Serpent & hanging around in the Temple Library with Boa

    Three Towers
    More reading
    The Mad Mage
  • 2215

    19 /3

    The Greenblade Expedition / White Plume Mountain

    Voyage to the Isle of Bones in search of the legendary Greenblade of the Ammur. Passage to the Isle of Bones on the merchant galley Emperor of the Waves ii has been arranged. The Emperor ii has business in the mysterious southern port of Su Mel and on its outward journey will ferry the party to the (rumoured) location of the Greenblade in the dungeon of Keraptis. The Emperor ii will put back in at the ruins on the return leg of the voyage.   Departed Three Towers 19.3.2215   Arrived Mage Island 23.3.2215 #Banner & Grizelda's Wedding   Entered Keraptis Dungeon 24.3.2215  

      1# Peren destroys the iron trap door to the dungeon with Shatterspike. Meet Gena*, the soggy Ginosphinx, *Banner compliments and Athya's gift pleased Gena, not so much Alibongus abrupt demands. Gena warns party to be wary of 'dungeon security' and tells you she wants to leave, but the golden handcuffs in her contract won't allow it. Explore the tunnel east. Walkthrough green slime (everyone loses footwear). Find Hanging spheres traps, attack by a black pudding. As you leave the dungeon to rest, hear Gena say, "shit, here comes security."   1130AM Return to the safety of Hiro's Iron Ship, Grizelda's loving embrace and second breakfast. Short rest (1) Purchase dwarven clogs to replace footwear destroyed by the green slime. Alibongus conducts several identify and detect magic rituals.   #2 1500 Return to the dungeon with Prokopikon (Kopi). Take the middle tunnel to the kelpie pool, defeat kelpies.   1530 Athya casts a water-breathing ritual. Tunnel north of Kelpie pool blocked by watertight iron doors. Party explores the eastern branch, where an oily section of tunnels spins counter-clockwise 10'ps. Snarla and Burket (adventurers turned caretakers) ambush party setting fire to the soil in the spinning tunnel. Party kills Burket & Snarla.   #3 1600 Loot Burket and Snarla's chambers, setting off the explosive rune security on Snarla's spellbook (destroying spellbook), then activating stinking cloud security on a trapped chest. Determined to leave retrace steps to Kelpie pool, encountering Morgana and her entourage a large swarm of bats, the Golem 9 (a little worse for wear after walking through the green slime). Alibongus recognizes Morgana as the historical figure Iron Wolf, daughter of Iron Fist (Atlantean conqueror who took the Greenblade from the Ammur Nation).   Morgana tells you that you have re-activated the dungeon by entering it, but with the mage Keraptis seemingly gone, the denizens of the dungeon are no longer held to his will, so things have changed. She offers you a deal. Retrieve the Greenblade from the western section of the dungeon and help her get back to the mainland, and she will let you go free. To show her honourable intentions, Morgana tells you about the Atlantean relic Wave north of the watertight doors, how to open the doors and about the huge crab that guards the treasure. Morgana advises you to take a breath and discuss her proposal.  
        Short rests(2), Alibongus animates x 2 skeletons, Alibongus casts mage armour, Banner dark vision.   1730 Party attacks Morgana's entourage (swarm of bats and the golem 9) across the kelpie pool.   #4 In the fight Morgana kills Athya and flees with the corpse into the eastern part of the dungeon.
      R.I.P. Athya   0630 25.3.2215 Returned to the safety of the Iron Ship & rested, party plans the next move.   26.3.2215 Pre-Dawn. Undead Athya brokers a deal that removes her and Morgana from the dungeon and liberates the carpet of flying from Alibongus. Peren picks up his Mithril Cuirass   #5 27.3.2215 Dawn. Megrym joins the party   0600 Alibongus casts water breathing as a ritual   0610 casts mage armour   0630 Banner cast dark vision   0700 Clean green slime   0730 Party solves Golem riddle & 9 Joins party (Alibongus charges 9 with Witch bolt)   0745 Peren removes turnstile   0800 -0900 Build rope bridge across boiling mud cavern, fight/kill mimics, Skelebob activates dagger of venom retrieve Whelm.   0930 Second breakfast with Grizelda on the Iron Ship & Megrym fitted for new kit   short rest 1. #6 1030 27.3.2215   Re-enter dungeon, through the water tight doors to the boiling lake kill gigantic crab garden. Alibongus is separated from the group during combat, he reseals the water tight doors and slips out of the dungeon. Banner makes friends with Wave aka Quint who saves the party from certain death from the boiling flood with a cube of force.                 Peren, Megrym, Kopi and Banner take the Cube of force 'ride' through volcanic tunnels, ejected from the white plume Mountain's 'spout'. The force cube thens roll down the mountain side, falls over the cliffs, crashes into the sea and sinks down to the lava reef on the sea bed. Where a large force of Ozric's mutant sahuagin lie in wait.  
      Wave aka Quint 'takes one for the team' surrendering to the mutant sahuagin after they help the party return to the beach.   1130 Peren, Banner, Alibongus, Megrym & Kopi reunite on the beach. Soggy, scolded but much richer.   1230 finish short rest 2 #7 Cross the flooded pit, unarmoured PC's ambushed by ghouls (not surprised) in the sauna corridor. 9 ordered to stand guard at the southern entrance to the sauna corridor . Foil frictionless trap and avoiding certain death from Super-Tetanus     1330 27.3.2215 #8 Kopi catches up. Cross frictionless trap, find a north south tunnel. North is a room with a gravity defying stream flowing through the air.
        To the south the Aquarium of Deeath!
        1400 27.3.2215 #9 Fight in the Aquarium takes a severe turn when Kopi goes down to a giant scorpion sting to the heart. As the giant crayfish & giant scorpions fight over Kopi buffet, his friends attempt to recover him. Initially, all goes swimmingly well; Megrym and Peren push the giant critters down the terrace so Albongus can rush forward to stabilize the downed priest. But party pooper Banner pops the beach ball of some sealions playing water polo on the other side of the Aquarium. The sea lions were no threat and had been enjoying the newly enlarged pool (following Alibongus fireball bonanza). Angered by 'Giant Crayfish Banner', the sea lions charge is devastating. Hard-pressed and down to single-digit HP, the party flee the Aquarium. In the escape, Megrym and Peren pass the unconscious Kopi (280lb in armour) smoothly between them like a heroic dhari ball-carrying back-row forwards. The sealions charge drains away as the 'fish' get out of the water. The sea lions give up the chase deciding to eat the dead aquarium critters instead. They particularly hated the mangy manticores, who regularly pooped in their tank.  
      Party retraces their steps through the frictionless trap, taking respite in the sauna. But Megrym's ghoul sauna retreat is rudely and nearly fatally interrupted by a black pudding.   Party finally checks out of the dungeon (with 9) for the day around 1530. Everyones tired from the big day out and happy to return to the safety of the Iron Ship c. 1600.   0900 28.3.2215 #10 Water breathing (ritual), find familiar (ritual) & mage armour (Alibongus) Reenter the dungeon - Gina warns of Pirates laying siege to Billy's office.   1000 28.3.2215 An epic battle between the party and pirates led by the infamous Zatara develops in the (now drained) aquarium. Spells cast: Shield of faith (Meg) Fog cloud (Deck wizard) / Dispelled by magic (Alibongus) Call lightning (Banner) Melfs acid arrow x 2 (Deck Wizard) Fog Cloud (2nd fills the corridor)  
        #11 Kopi's Blow Off! (Round 8) Kopi blows the fog cloud away with a gust of wind, then sets about healing warriors and the wizard. Banner uses his mini storm to rain lightning down on the pirate snippers. Revitalized Peren and Megrym kill Zatara in an epic duel on the high terrace. Their leaders dead the remaining pirates' surrender.   The second battle in the aquarium is over. Banner uses the prisoners as trap bait and free's Billy from his 'office.' Reunited Billy and Gena make a hasty exit, desperate to avoid Pinky and Perky. Still, the wicked efreets are waiting outside. Pinky and Perky speak in unison, growling flames drip from their mouths.     "How we've waited for you to come we've been here all along And now that you've arrived Please stay a while And we promise we won't keep you long We'll keep you forever."  
      1100 28.3.2215 12# The grand finale Perky and Pinky's ambush fails. Outgunned, the invisible Efreeti make a hasty retreat.
    • Gena thanks you for releasing her from the dungeon, then flies off to find a nice breezy mountain eyrie.
    • Dwarves report a sighting of Giant Ogre Magi Billy cackling as he flies out of the sea tunnel and a dozen pirate corpses wash up on the beach.
    • After a spot of lunch, Hiro gives you a lift to Three Towers in the Iron Sub.
      2.4.2215 Three Towers Loot cashed up, the pirate bounties are collected, and Belanthe rewards you with 10,000gp for recovering the fabled Greenblade of the ammur Kings (soon to be Queen).
    • Banner Stromberg & 9 stay with beloved Grizelda aboard the Iron Ship, last seen heading into an unnatural lightning storm.
    • Megrym visits the Monastery of Deth on Veilshard; the small group of Nergalish acolytes undertaking repairs welcome her.
    9.4.2215 Captain Aias and Emperor II return to Three Towers. His crew now bolstered with three new members, deck wizard, bosun & first mate.        
    The End!   That's all folks!

    More reading
    The Mad Mage