Maeral Triscaryn (MAEH-rul triss-CAIR-in)

Maeral Triscaryn is the matron of House Triscaryn and a senior member of the Royal Court of Eridane.   Maeral Triscaryn was born in BF269, and served Queen Luthien for over 150 years. The two had been friends since childhood. Though Maeral was part of the pod of playmates centered around the Court, she also made and maintained numerous friendships in other circles in Timarion and even around the Kingdom. (She was often allowed to travel with her own mother, who was the head Lady in Waiting to Queen Alyndra.)   Maeral married and bore children, but it seemed to many that her duties to her Queen took precedence over her family. She married Samblar Rora, a noble who served in the army, and who was killed in a small, unnamed skirmish just before the Founding of the Peace. The couple had three children, all sons. The eldest, Jhaan, is the current head of the Palace Guard. Their second son, Illitran, is a combat sorceror posted in the Western Lands. Their third son, Erolith, was a sailor, killed by barbarians on the coastal route to Galea.   Just over a century ago, long after her children were grown, Maeral adopted a young half-elf who had been orphaned when her family was killed, and raised her as a member of the family. Her adopted daughter fell ill during a trip to Southland as a young adult and now lives at a healing compound (the elven equivalent of a rest home).     Maeral’s older brother Toross was a career soldier who ended up as head of the Royal Guard. He returned to the army during the Barren Years, a particularly rough period from BF 65-53 where the combined forces of humans and dwarves threatened Eridane as they never had before. Toross was killed in the Battle of the Burning Fields in BF 56. Maeral’s younger brother Elwin and his twin sister Zestari were involved in the early exploration of Galea, and both settled in the Ward, one of them in Daeraas and one in Siktal. While she does not have much family nearby, Maeral has been helped in her support of the Royal Succession by a bevy of more distant members of the House, cousins as well as families that are closely associated with House Triscaryn, such as Houses Voronna, Lucaryn. and Iarlen.     Maeral has always been legendary for her letter writing - she wrote hundreds of letters even as a child, and it is said she has written over 10,000 letters in her lifetime, and that is just personal correspondence. Her additional correspondence as a member of the Court and chief Lady in Waiting to Luthien adds over 5000 more letters.   Maeral is now a grand dame of the court, still involved behind the scenes but not directly. She still has many close connections - not just with House Elenereth but across the kingdom - and her close relationship with the King and his family. While she holds no formal position, her long service and those connections mean that in many ways she is a sort of ersatz Queen Mother - the role that Luthien would have played if she were still alive.    


Maeral Triscaryn


Towards Samblar Rora


Samblar Rora


Towards Maeral Triscaryn


Maeral Triscaryn


Towards Toross Triscaryn


Toross Triscaryn


Towards Maeral Triscaryn


Maeral Triscaryn


Towards Elwyn Triscaryn


Elwyn Triscaryn


Towards Maeral Triscaryn


Maeral Triscaryn


Towards Zestari Triscaryn


Zestari Triscaryn


Towards Maeral Triscaryn


Current Location
Year of Birth
269 BF 696 Years old
Toross Triscaryn (Brother)
Long, golden blonde
5' 2"
80 lb

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