Naitë Súlë (na-YEE-tyeh SOO-lyeh)
Naitë Súlë (lit. True Spirit) is a movement within the Elves of Zantor and Galea whose main tenet is that elven civilization has abandoned the "true spirit of the Seldarine" and that elven
society should "return to its roots".
The primary examples of this abandonment are the centralization of power in the Kingdom of Eridane under the High King/Queen of Eridane, and the "urbanization" of Elvish settlements, particularly the growth of Timarion and the building of Daeraas on land that was not originally forested.
While the movement has existed since before BF 400, it gained popularity and influence with the disvoery of Galea and the Wood and Sylvan elves who lived there.
One of the main proponents of the movement was Corym Mirawarin, whose book "True Spirit Of The Woods" (published in AF 145) advocated a "return to the woods of our ancestry" and a withdrawal from interaction with other races. He cited the "tranquility and serenity" of the elves living in the forests of eastern Galea as proof that Zantorean elves had "lost their way".
Critics of Mirawarin's work noted the oversimplification of indigenous elven society in eastern Galea, completely ignoring the history of conflict and outright warfare between tribes. Others noted that the critique of "urbanization" in Timarion misrepresented much of the history of the city. In addition, his criticisms of Daeraas don't mention Mirawarin's own role in the history and development of the city; he served as assistant architect during the original layout and building of Daeraas from BF 25- BF 6.
Etymology PE Q naitë, adj., "true" and Q súlë, noun, "spirit, emission of power (of will or desire), breath"
Etymology PE Q naitë, adj., "true" and Q súlë, noun, "spirit, emission of power (of will or desire), breath"
Political, Faction / Party