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Daybreak Captain Lockhart Colby

Daybreak Captain Lockhart Colby (a.k.a. The Renegade)

The current head of the Daybreak pirates, Daybreak Captain Lockhart Colby is a tiefling man of tall stature and red coloring. Covered in tattoos, Lockhart used to captain the Starfall, a ship well known for raiding in the north, until he challenged the previous Daybreak Captain to a duel, and upon winning took up the title.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born to a family in Arator, Lockhart became a pirate after his ship was raided by the original crew of the Starfall. He joined up, and eventually became captain. The previous captain had been shorting the crew their share of gold, and after Lockhart discovered it he managed to sawy the crew to his side and overthrew the old captain, installing himself as leader.   He swore loyalty to the Daybreak Captain, and kept this oath for years, though he earned the nickname of "The Renegade" because of his constant disregard for orders that weren't direct. Lockhart had a habit of interpreting things in his favor if they weren't spelled out directly, and his charisma was such that he was able to get out of trouble if he was caught deliberatly misinterpreting such things.   It was only when the old Daybreak Captain decided to break the alliance with Thraex that Lockhart acted. Breaking the alliance would put most of the pirates in danger, and though nearly everyone was against it, their loyalty and fear kept them from acting out. Thraex was powerful enough that breaking the alliance would lead to a devestating war, and Lockhart wished to keep this from happening.   He chllenged the Daybreak Captain to a duel, and managed to win by the skin of his teeth, having been underestimated from the start of the fight. Through his quick wit he managed to sustain the alliance with Thraex, and the rest of the pirates accepted his leadership gladly.


Growing up in Arator, Lockhart has a decent education and is actually most educated in agricultural practices, which is not useful to his privateering ways.


Social Aptitude

A charismatic soul, Lockhart has the loyalty of most of the other captains, and if not them, then their crews. He often goes out drinking with them, buying rounds and regaling them with stories, listening to theirs in turn. More than that, rather than staying on the Daybreak floating island, he continues to go out on raids, earning the respect of others as he does so. Though there was the question of inheritance, he made it clear that if he were to die while doing so, his second mate was to assume command, and the same rules of trial by combat were to apply to him.
Current Location
Current Residence
The Room of Dawn
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6' 5"
150 lbs
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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