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The war-forged country of Thraex is a militarized nation, led by a king picked from amongst the best of generals and kept in the strictest of discipline. The capital city of Kremos sits behind a bottle neck of towering rocks, teetering precariously on the edge of jagged cliffs that lead down to the roaring waters of the Rivener Sea. Founded by abandoned groups of explorers from all different nations, Thraex still holds a grudge against the other countries for this perceived slight.


A militarized nation, Thraex is built on a foundation of strict discipline. Each citizen must serve seven years in the military, starting as a regular soldier and being able to work their way up from there. Of course, some people through their family are able to start at an officer's rank or higher, or choose if they want to join one of the more specialized divisions such as the arcane corps or so on. The highest ranked generals form a council that advises the king, and when the current king dies one of them is chosen to replace him by comittee vote.


Thraex holds grudges against the rest of Prodosía, since the creation of Thraex came about when the rest of the world tried to explore the Badlands and, through a series of unexplainable weather phenomena and bad luck, ended up losing contact and declaring them dead. They, however, had survived and ended up waiting for a rescue that would never come. Their survival in the Badlands lead to their culture in the present day of strict discipline and harsh punishment if rules are broken.


As Prodosía grew, countries began to send out ships to explore the rest of the world. It eventually became a race to see who would be able to reach and colonize the Badlands first. However, when the ships landed it became clear that the Badlands were already inhabited by nomadic tribes of warbased races. When the explorers tried to leave, however, storms caught their boats and sent them back. Forced to fight and run, they ended up settling in the land that would become Kremos, protected by natural barriers. Eventually they settled and made peace with some of the people already living in the Badlands, but by then the rest of Prodosía had already declared them lost. Through shipwrecks and other groups of explorers, Thraex's population grew, until eventually they became the nation they are in the present day. Their most important achievement to this point, though, is the alliance they made with the Daybreak Pirates, which enhances their already formidable military strength. Although the pirates do not follow the Thrai discipline code, they raid the rest of Prodosia's coast, and bring back a cut to the Thrai King, which makes up for their unruly behavior.

Demography and Population

The various races that make up Thraex are just that-varied. However there is a large population of orcs, goblins, kobolds, and the like since this is their homeland and many do not travel outside of their territories as it is known to be dangerous.


The military force of Thraex is large and powerful, and while the ground troops that most people are forced to join are the most substantial unit, there are also specialized divisions, such as the arcane corps, who use offensive magic, the alchemical division, who invent different weapons, and the berserker unit, who are barbarians and berserker titanic fighters.


As Derilin created most of the population and wandered the Badlands, using them as a testing ground in the past, many of the population worship him as their creator. In addition, as he is the god of war, he is worship as their patron god and is asked to grant them favors in battle. The Daybreak Pirates, although only an associate of the Thrai, follow Miran.

Foreign Relations

Thraex is itself against most of Prodosía, and while originally many countries wanted to repair relations, after Thraex made a deal with the Daybreak Pirates any chance of diplomacy went out the window.

We All Fall

Founding Date
3567 A. A.
Geopolitical, Country
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Head of Government
Subsidiary Organizations
Related Ranks & Titles
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members


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