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King Leonidas

Thrai King Leonidas Whitan (a.k.a. Herald of Salt)

Becoming Thrai King in 4445 A. A., Leonidas Whitan was a half elven direct descendant of a member of New Prodosía. Only five years after his ascension to the throne, he put his most ambitious idea into action: contacting the various pirates that roamed the seas and attempting to make peace with them, and even draw them into an alliance if possible.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Fascinated with Kremos' view of the Rivener Sea, Leonidas would sneak down to the ocean as a young boy and commune with Marin, taking her as his patron goddess. Eventually rising through the ranks of the military, he came to power as the previous kings leadership had left Thraex on the brink of war with Arator. Approaching different pirate ships, he appealed to them as a follower of Marin and asked to treat with them, offering them protection and a safe haven for their ships. As Thraex had previously hunted pirates down mercilessly, this peace was benefical to both sides. Captain Amelia was the only pirate to take him seriously, and she eventually convinced the others to join her as a collective and sign a treaty with Thraex that made the Daybreak Pirates a sort of outlying organization that reported to Thraex but also managed itself.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Though getting the Daybreak Pirates to sign the treaty with Thraex is his most important achievement, the method through which he did so is considered also to be an achievment in and of itself. King Leonidas was asked to prove himself to be a follower of Marin, and was challenged to outsail a pirate captain on their skiff, though he himself had never actually sailed before. It is said that Leonidas prayed to Marin, offering her the compass that had guided his family line to Thraex a thousand years ago as a sacrfice.   He won the race, and since then each Thrai King must prove both their abilities on the sea and their loyalty to Marin as well as Derilin before the Daybreak Pirates renew the treaty.
4410 A. A. 4578 A. A. 168 years old
Long Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6' 3"
150 lbs
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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