Godric Siwardsen Tåmazhev Character in Project Joðamir | World Anvil
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Godric Siwardsen Tåmazhev

First and Former leader of the SEVPIM and political mastermind behind the Red River Revolution

Godric Siwardsen Tåmazhev

Godric Siwardsen Tåmazhev (* 5. May 74 BVK in Azaléo, Lucretia † 14 March 34 BVK in Lyfjagrad, Lekhisjóðan SFDSR) was a Lucretian, later Severmarkish-Lekhisjóðan philosopher, economist, historian, political theorist and revolutionary reformist socialist leader. He is best-known for his seminal title "Red Severmarkia" (41 BVK). Together with fellow political thinkers and activists, such as Andriy Larsen Koltsov, he had enormous influence on Severmarkish political, economic and intellectual history. His name has since been used to refer to anything related to the SUFDSR, as Tomunist or Tåmazhevite.   In 45 BVK, Tåmazhev emigrated to Lekhisjóða. He'd previously been involved as a student in the Cartagon Commune, a revolutionary government that seized power in the Lucretian city of Cartagon. After its violent dismantlement by the Lucretian Military, Tåmazhev found himself even more consolidated in his beliefs. It was during this period in Cartagon where he got to know his lifelong friends A. L Koltsov and Kjell Viktersen Åkhrimenko.   Tåmazhev believed that the hitherto existing neoliberal capitalist systems in place were fundamentally flawed and would inevitably lead to environmental, humanist and intellectual decline. Unlike Koltsov, Tåmazhev asserted that a violent revolution at the hands of the Workers was not the right way forward. Instead, he placed himself distinctly between the Social-Democrats, whom he described as "meager philistines", and the violently revolutionary Koltsovites. Change towards a stateless and classless society, even if this goal may never be reached, should be brought about by a long series of gradual revolutionary reforms introduced into the capitalist system to deprive it of its foundations: The quest for never-ending profit.   The Severmarkish Republics of Lekhisjóða, Ôsklyzemlya, Vostoksvîken and Ljodasvaeda looked to Tåmazhev like a promising place for his ideas to prosper and, at least spread their roots. He never expected to be met with as much success as he was, as Severmarkia was firmly under the control of the Kingdom of Kélaria, and had been for several decades to serve as a source of natural resources and cheap manpower for Kélaria to expand its Empire. In 41 BVK, Tåmazhev published "Red Severmarkia" which over night became highly popular. So much so, that the book was banned from commercial trade by the KSCA, the Kélarian-Severmarkish Colonial Authority. This, however, only increased demand for the book on the Black Market, as well as Tåmazhev's popularity beyond the borders of Lekhisjóða.   Between 40 and 33 BVK, Kélaria's grasp on the Severmarkish Republics loosened as political upheavals in Kélarian colonies overseas and increasing general complacency with Severmarkia drew King Bénardin III's attention away. The new sectorial governor of the KSCA, Audren Lebesque, sympathised with the Severmarkish people and is commonly regarded as a key figure in enabling Tåmazhev and Åkhrimenko to form the Severmarkish People's Independence Movement, or SEVPIM. SEVPIM acted as a crossterritorial political cooperative in both local county and head administrations in Severmarkia. Furthermore, it later served as the paternal body to the ASEVTÅLY, the All-Severmarkish Tåmazhevite League of the Youth. Overall, SEVPIM and its related branches became immensely popular across the four republics, which greatly disturbed Kélarian Prime Minister Finian de Raîs and King Bénardin III who feared a violent civil-war.   On the 14 March 34 BVK, Tåmazhev was found dead in his apartment in 21 Vesterlin Avenue in Lyfjagrad. The autopsy revealed blunt force trauma to the cranium as the likely cause of death. Officially, his death was classified as an accident, but many people hold the belief to this day that Tåmazhev was assassinated by a Kélarian bounty hunter.   Tåmazhev is commonly seen as the spiritual mastermind behind the Treaty of Hârjalinna and the subsequent Red River Revolution which officially formed the SUFDSR, or Tomunist/Tåmazhevite Union.
Godric Tåmazhev at Severskrona University's Grand lecture hall, 35 BVK, colourised.
Current Status
Date of Birth
5 May
Date of Death
14 March
74 BVK 34 BVK 40 years old
Circumstances of Death
Accident or Assassinated
Azaléo, Lucretia
Place of Death
Lyfjagrad, Lekhisjóða
Other Affiliations


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