Omni-Tech Industries. Organization in Project: Odyssey | World Anvil
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Omni-Tech Industries.

    Founded in the Mid to late 21st Century Omni-tech industries was founded by the Wealthy Blake family in London England. Omni-Tech Started off as a Energy Company, providing power for main land Europe, and the American East Coast.
  After Gaining massive Amounts of Income from the Energy Business, it started to branch out into new areas of business, such as; The Research and developing new Electronics, Kyrite mining on the moon( when it was later discovered), Developing new weapons, Space travel, and much much more.   Currently the Company's HQ is located in New York City. From New York the Omni-Tech Corporate Empire expands across the world, getting their hands on any form of profitable business venture available to them, Such as Buy Both of Jupiters largest moons and turning them into large Corporate outposts that provide scientific research, Kyrite, and Jobs, and more Income for the companies Growing Interests. Ever expanding, Omni-Tech now looks towards the stars. Ready to see what profitable Ventures await in the wide open Galaxy.


At the head of the Company is obviously the CEO. and the Board of Executives. Below them are the V.P.s(Vice Presidents.) Below them are the operators, and Managers. At the very bottom of the food chain are the millions of works that keep the company running.

Public Agenda

To provide the power and needs that Humanity demands, as well as making humanity better, in this new and changing world.


Aside from vast wealth, and hundred of shell companies and Subsidiaries. Omni-Tech has access to their own Stellar fleet of ships, a private army, advanced cybernetic Technology, and They even Own one of Jupiters moons, Ganymede.

Advancing Humanities Potential.

Founding Date
Corporation, Business
Alternative Names
Omni-Tech or The Company
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Related Species


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