Earth Geographic Location in Project: Odyssey | World Anvil
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Earth... The Cradle of human civilization.
For the longest time the people of earth had been fighting amongst themselves for the longest time over the stupidest of things. But after the discovery of the new miracle energy source known as Kyrite, the planet became a bit more united, and many things were made possible. Such as space travel, terraforming, planetary colonization efforts, the creation of plasma and energy weapons, etc.. After the colonies from earth were established, a new Government was formed to keep in contact with all colonies with in the Sol system, And thus the United Nations of Sol (U.N.S.) was born.   Every major life sustaining planet in the solar system was colonized from mars, to the moons of Jupiter. Humanity spread to the farthest reaches of the system. and now they are ready to forth and see what awaits them beyond their system.


Rolling hills, towering mountains, crashing seas. From the vast grassy plains of North America, to the dense Jungles of Brazil. Earth is home to many wonders, and even many more people.   Earth is covered in vast large landscapes, and massive bodies of Water. Towering mountains, and recultivated rainforersts brought back from near ruination.


Earths ecosystem has gone through many cycles of intense damage and rebirth. Many Animals have died and have been brought back. Many plants have been damaged, and killed off due to the constantly changing climate of the planet. but due to the advanced Sciences at humanity's disposal. Those plants, and animals have been either cloned, or recreated through advance genetic reconstruction.

Localized Phenomena

Aside from the occational hurricane and forest fire. no major problems have affected earth. The Northern Lights are still a spectacular wonder to behold.

Natural Resources

At this point in time the use of fossil fuels has been removed and has been replaced with solar powered Cars, and Kyrite conversion engines. The earths' resources are now more abundant than ever due to the discovery of Kyrite, and the more pronounced use of hydro electricity, and solar energy. Also due to this new Technology boom once barren fields have been rejuvenated to produce larger crop yields. and thanks to Conservation acts of 2101 The livestock, and fish in the sea are not harvested to extinction. Thus allowing all of Earths' Natural resources to replenish at a Steady Rate.
Alternative Name(s)
The big blue marble.
Vehicles Present
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Inhabiting Species


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