Samantha Blake: CEO of Omni-Tech Industries Character in Project: Odyssey | World Anvil
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Samantha Blake: CEO of Omni-Tech Industries

CEO Samantha Daphne Blake. (a.k.a. Daph)

Born the Heiress of the Wealthy Blake Family, young Samantha was destined for greatness. In her youth she was put through the ringer; She took every single extra curricular activity at school, and excelled in all of her classes, showing off her 851 IQ.   She accelerated in the world of advanced sciences. Especially cybernetics, and robotics. She took these abilities with her when she inherited the family business and took over as CEO of Omni-tech Industries. As her first act as CEO she restructured certain parts of the company, and removed the obsolete part that were holding the Company Back. She improved the R&D department, and began to expand the company to some to outlying Colonies setting up branch offices to extend the reach of the company to new worlds. To do this she spent a sizable fortune buying the to largest, most habitable moon around Jupiter; Ganymede, and Europa.     She is currently overseeing multiple projects and business ventures on Earth and Through out the system. She even donated funds, and resources to Project: Odyssey in its infancy.  But now that The Chancellors project is underway, She can now focus on some of her own projects without the watchful eyes of the government tracking her every move.    Now she can start Project: Override.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Peak Physical condition, no illnesses or abnormalities.

Body Features

Minor Cybernetic Implants are scattered all around her body. and she also has a beauty mark on her left buttock.

Special abilities

The cybernetic implants in her body allow to access and internet terminal in the world, and call and talk to any one she needs to contact. The implants can even be used defensively, and can emit a electric discharge that can either Stun or kill and assailant.

Apparel & Accessories

Samantha Blake can be easily recognized by custom designed power suits, and her work skirt. As well as the Solid gold cufflinks that adorn the sleeves of her suit jacket. All brought together nicely with her $18,000 Italian heels.

Mental characteristics


She Straight, and is Dating her Assistant Jacob Barret.


As the Heiress to the Blake family fortune, and Omni-Tech Industries, Young Samantha was given access to the best tutors, and Seasoned educators, Money can buy.   She entered College at the age of 15, and graduated form Cambridge at the age of 19 and finished her education at the prestigious Genesis Institute.

Accomplishments & Achievements

She found a way to seamlessly integrate Cybernetics into the human body, with out causing to much physical discomfort for the subject. As well as making fully functional Synthetic prosthetics for medical use.

Morality & Philosophy

Samantha Believes that the world is full of opportunities, and that people are fools if they do make use of these Opportunities.   She Also believes, in her words. "If you know you can do it, then Take it! Damn the Consequences."


Family Ties

Samantha has a Younger brother named Ashton... We don't talk about Ashton.


Samantha Blake: CEO of Omni-Tech Industries

Girlfriend (Vital)

Towards Jacob Barret.



Jacob Barret.

boyfriend (Important)

Towards Samantha Blake: CEO of Omni-Tech Industries




It Started out simple, and platonic. But That would change after a few months...  Jacob Started as Samantha's' Assistant. He Did his best to keep her schedule in tact, and help her keep Omni-Tech Running... And she Began to notice.   One day Samantha called in Jacob and they began to talk. During their conversation she gave slight seductive hints of her intentions towards him. Jacob being The Gentle man he was raised to be, said that he feels the same way, but that he didn't want was about to happen to be just Sex. Samantha first had a look of Surprise, that quickly turned into a Sly Seductive Smile. She immediately kissed him and they've been together ever since.

Relationship Reasoning

Samantha has more or less lived an exclusive and solitary life. Finding someone that treats her like a normal human being. Someone who's not intimidated by her. Someone who is willing to look past the corporate big Shot, and see someone that's looking for a change.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

They both like Jazz.

Wealth & Financial state

She come from a wealthy family in England, and runs a Multi-quadrillion credit Mega Corporation that Makes even more money every single day.
Current Status
Running a multi-quadrillion dollar Mega Corporation
Current Location
Date of Birth
14th of April 2615
London, England
Current Residence
A pent house suit in New York city.
she/ her
Baby blue Eyes
Short blonde perm
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Come on Everyone, Lets shake the World."
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
English, French, German, Hindi, Martian and Antaric.


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