Sentinel Organization in Project: Odyssey | World Anvil
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Ten years ago before the launch of project Odessey, humanity encountered a strange alien probe at the edge of the solar system. The probe was sent to sol system to see if humanity was suitable to join an intergalactic elite peacekeeping oragnization to to the rest of the Galaxy as Sentinel. The following year a ambassadoral ship arrives over earth and lands in front of the U.N. building. Onboard the vessel were 3 Antari ambassidors, as well as Supreme Commander Threll Donnax. The Commander then extended an invitation to Grand Chansular Micheal Jarred, and Humanity to join Sentinel. After much deliberation among the other members and nations of the U.N.S. a hesitant yes was given. Humanity knew very little of the Antari, and even less so of Sentinel. But they soon realized better allies than enemies.   For the next nine years The U.N.S. and Sentinel would work side by side to build relations, as well as a new head quarters on earths moon. As of current events Sentinel stands as a beacon of hope for the U.N.S. and the Galaxy at large. Protecting countless worlds againt organized crime, and dangerous alien forces that would attempt to harm all peace loving peoples across the galaxy.


At the very top we have the supreme Commander. Under him 5 Sub Commanders and 1 admiral, in charge of the sentinel Defence fleet. and under them are the many operatives, and agents that carry out the many missions, and defence opperations across the Galaxy.

Public Agenda

Sentinel is a galaxy wide peace keeping organization and its main goal is to protect distant worlds that may fall victim to hostile attacks, or vicious alien invasion.


Defence Fleet  heavy armaments Stealth opperations Aka Sabre force. Armor division(Tanks, and Mechs) R&D teams Logestics Divions Medical Corps forward bases

Peace through Unity and Duty

Founding Date
Alliance, Military
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Agents/ Operatives
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Parent Organization
Related Ethnicities


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