Diane Morris: Admiral of the 4th Fleet Character in Project: Odyssey | World Anvil
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Diane Morris: Admiral of the 4th Fleet

Admiral Diane Elise Morris

Diane Morris was always an army brat. Her father was a career soldier. He even believed that one day she would wear the U.N.S. crest upon her chest, just like him. She would wear the crest, but not in the Military, Her eyes where looking towards the stars.   At the age of 21 she Graduated from the New shire Naval Academy on the moon. and received her first command aboard a combat frigate, the U.S.S. Revere. for the following years in her career, she eventually landed an admirals seat and then gained the command of one of the Republics flag ships, the U.S.S. Valiant. For a time she and her ship was tasked with the defense of the system. Quelling rebellions, and dealing with the occasional threat of pirates.   All that would eventually change however with the initiation of Project Odyssey. Her new orders were to take the entire 4th fleet and go ahead of the other exploration vessels and secure a safe route for them to follow. The Valiant and the 4th fleet were also tasked with exploring the wider galaxy as well. On one of the fleet's jaunts into the void the encountered a sentient race of aliens in the distant Jorrus System. Admiral Morris led the official first contact mission for this new world, and race.   This event went down in history as Admiral Morris'First Contact Address.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

No abnormalities, no illnesses, no sign of diseases. 100% healthy.

Identifying Characteristics

Diane has a small scar on her right cheek.

Apparel & Accessories

Diane wears the Standard Navy blue Uniform of the U.N.S. Star Navy. on her left breast she dawns her rank badge. On her left arm sits a wrist Comm. and to tie the Uniform together, are her long boots.

Specialized Equipment

Her standard side arm. An A-341 Plasma Pistol.

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

At the age of 21 she took command of fist ship. At the age of 27 she defeated a dangerous fleet of space pirates around the the rings of Saturn.

Personality Characteristics


She Does it mostly for her Kids back home on Earth. As well as her sense of Adventure.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Hot Chocolate on a cold Day. Her kids, and her secret relationship with her Assistant Ensign Riley Michelson.   Dislikes: losing. Unnecessary fights. People damaging her ship.


Contacts & Relations

Her Ex-Husband Philip. Her boyfriend Riley. Her first Officer Alexandra. Chancellor Michael Jarred.

Family Ties

Her Kids: Natalie, and Nate. Her father, Major David Morris.
Current Location
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Admiral of the 4th fleet.
Date of Birth
October 23rd
Chicago Ill.
Current Residence
Her quarters on board her ship.
Hazel brown eyes.
Brownish, blonde in a bun at the back.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White, causation
Owned Vehicles
Aligned Organization


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